03.11.13 This week was more productive than it looks, trust us. First, let us address a word gaining a second definition.
You already know sisi as being a fangirl exclamation "Eeee! "OMG!" and so on. Now it also means "yes" as a response to address. "Jeremy!" "Yes mom?!"
Next let's get the regular words out of the way.
ɛrɪz - group, society, club, probably closest relation is "guild" ɛrzɪm - declaration, principles, probably closest relation is "creed" gɪklo - finally, at last nilal - harmony, peace, settling of inner turmoil (not related to not-war) hɔw - will, willpower venla - justice oɹvɛn - retribution, vengeance ɐnɔl - act, deed gɛros - energy (sci.) kop'oɹ - energy (stamina) gɛluʃɛm - change, small amount of money gəmbi - pocket lolina - hold, embrace, cuddle (Rv) ʒonpoɾ - useless k'oɹʒonpoɾ - useful ʒonpoɾnow - to make useless ɬɛp'ʒonpoɾnow - to make useful, make use, make do çɛsol - ruins çɛsow - to die out, go extinct çɛsonop' - to leave, abandon dʒɛrap'u - outsider, one who lives off the land, shuns technology, "Gallifreyan Amish" ʃɛnuk' - cookie mɐrwa - improvisation mɐrwanow - to improvise wɛlwɛ - fruit çorlwɛ - vegetable bahrug - nut kɪbɪṱ - banana gɑjul - apple
Next we will address a split-hair verb.
hrafop' - to move (from point A to point B ) hrapoɹ - movement
ərlonow - to move, make a movement ərlon - movement, motion
The first is like moving across town, and the second is like "I think he's moving! He's alive!"
The third item on today's agenda is a list of words which have no direct English equivalent, not in one word anyway.
ɐgorɪb' - lit. to go out with friends/out on the town ɐgobor - downtown (slang)
çərɛm - an act someone does for you that you didn’t want to have them do and tried to avoid having them do, but they went ahead anyway, determined to do you a favor, and then things went wrong and caused you a lot of trouble, yet in the end social conventions required you to express gratitude
ɹɪʍa - someone who really needs a good thrashing, a face badly in need of a fist
zɛg - a really clever comeback that is too late to deliver, also "to think of something clever after the fact" (n., v.)
Next comes a new idiom and a serious bit of fun. This started when I discovered a word in Malay which means "in the time to eat a banana" and I thought of 10 and immediately knew we had to have this. And now we do!
gɪp' əθlɑ aɹzɑnɪ zi uh kɪbɪṱəɬ. - "during the instance of eating a banana" to do something quickly, but not rushed
And what's more:
mɐrwa kɪbɪṱ - n. lit. "banana improvisation" ; v. to pull a MacGyver (or, maybe, to pull a Doctor)
"Odaʃ fo bərowoz bɑmi mɐrwaʔəɬ, odaʃ bərowoz mɐrwaʔəɬ kɪbɪṱ." That wasn't just improv, that was banana improv. *impressed*
No, you don't have to thank us.
In other news, list-making was on the table this week. You can check out the "Projects" area of the site to see one way (in progress) of writing lists, but we also made a few decisions.
1. Simple lists (milk, butter, eggs) may be rendered either using commas or as a simple vertical list. 2. Lists may also be rendered horizontally or vertically.
There are still a few things to be ironed out, but if you're looking for a model, here you go.
Finally, the List of Affixes has been completely updated. Also added a page with the list of Chapters, Houses, Academies, and so on for quick reference.
This week we'll probably be focusing more on transportation. "Everybody knows that everybody dies." -River Song
03.18.13 Woo, what a week. Insanely productive and quite expansive. We'll start off with the theoretical aspect.
1. Theory
ṱɪθobɑn - logical theory ṱɪθobɑni - theoretical ṱɪθobɛn - logical hypothesis ṱɪθobɛnow - to hypothesize ṱɪʃoboɹ - logical law, rule of logic (ex. if a= b and a = c, then b = c)
ərubɑn - scientific theory ərubɑni - theoretical ərubɛn - scientific hypothesis ərubɛnow - to hypothesize
josk'ihob - temporal theory josk'ihoni - theoretical josk'ihɔp' - temporal hypothesis josk'ihəb' - to hypothesize
ərobok' - scientific/temporal law (ex. gravity makes things fall ; crossing your own time stream makes things go boom!)
These words may also be used as short substitutes for "logical" "scientific" "temporal" and "possible" so instead of ərubɑmi dɑɹijɐʔwoj (scientifically possible) or alodɑɹijɐʔwoj ərubɑni (scientific possibility), ərubɑmi may be used, but only when referring to theories or concepts. When you want to talk about them otherwise, you may use their proper adjectival forms.
ṱɪθobɑmi, mɪf, pum nəfon ərubɑmi lit: theoretically, yes, but not theoretically It's logically theoretical, but not scientifically theoretical.
A hypothesis is an educated guess, based on observation. Usually, a hypothesis can be supported or refuted through experimentation or more observation. A hypothesis can be disproven, but not proven to be true.
A theory summarizes a hypothesis or group of hypotheses that have been supported with repeated testing. A theory is valid as long as there is no evidence to dispute it. Therefore, theories can be disproven. Basically, if evidence accumulates to support a hypothesis, then the hypothesis can become accepted as a good explanation of a phenomenon. One definition of a theory is to say it's an accepted hypothesis.
A law generalizes a body of observations. At the time it is made, no exceptions have been found to a law. Scientific laws explain things, but they do not describe them. One way to tell a law and a theory apart is to ask if the description gives you a means to explain 'why'.
2. Transportation
Transportation is done a little differently on Gallifrey.
"There are three small oceans(which were once quite large)and several seas but less then half its surface is water...Most of Gallifrey is burnt red deserts (with orange sand) and mountains...In the modern era there are only between 3 and 9 million Gallifreyans, which leaves many settlements and roads completely abandoned...The Capitol used to have a harbor(but the lake dried up)...A small conventional spaceport can be found near the Citadel...Time Scaphs are docked the Scaph Port...Councilmembers use aircars to get around the Capitol...The Transtube carriages (ortrains) are used for transport from one city-complex to another on Gallifrey...They look a bit like Earth subways...Imports from all over the galaxy (and from any point in time) can be found for sale at Prydos. Its streets are paved with mosaics which present the history of the city...Transmats are used to reach the Houses...Gallifreyan transmats can not transmit through lethal levels of Ion Flux...Gallifreyans also use skimmers to travel...They are shaped like longboats with carved dragons in the back...They can fly and have sophisticated forcefields to protect the crew...They are computer controlled or an organic pilot can fly the ship from below decks...The golden sails can be deployed to absorb energy to power the ship...Skimmers are considered obsolete transportation...Transmats are preferred...The idea of using an animal as a beast of burden is completely alien to their culture...Most Gallifreyans (and all Time Lords) never venture into the wilderness of the Outer Gallifrey unless they wish to become outsiders."
So, we have ortrains (subways), skimmers (ships [considered obsolete]), aircars, transmats (preferred), and time scaphs to work with. Riding animals is foreign and walking is not exactly shunned.
Named transportation will be handled in time.
k'isçɑf - time scaph
But for any other mode of transportation or foreign modes, there are some rather basic words.
ɔrɔɹ - place for many transportation vehicles (parking lot, marina, port, etc.) ɔrɔɹʃɔk' - single place for single vehicle (parking spot, dock, etc.)
ɹupɑç - to park
nubɑs - vehicle for single transportation (bike, scooter, etc.) nubɑ - vehicle for mid-size transportation (minivan, etc.) ɛnubɑ - vehicle for mass-transportation (subway, bus, etc.)
But these could mean anything. To specify by water or land, just say so.
+ kɐlkɑ ʒjɛ - by water + dɛrɪð ʒjɛ - by land + hatın ʒjɛ - by air (sky) + sıpɑjn ʒjɛ - by space + k’ip’ə ʒjɛ - by time + kɪpɑʔnu ʒjɛ - by time and space
The main difference between k’ip’ə and kɪpɑʔnu is that one is used only for time travel but does not change location like a certain time-traveling DeLorean, the other is like a Tardis and changes time and location.
"Udoθaçɪç uh nubɑ ʒjɛ kɐlkɑ ʒjɛ." - "We'll be going by boat (lit. by a vessel by water)." "Olɑk’ urupɑçak'ɪk' lo?" - Where will we park?" "Uθ ɔrɔɹ çu kɐlkɑ ʒjɛ." - "At the marina/harbor (lit. At the port by water)."
Urupɑçak'ɪk' ufoz ufɪl nubɑnaʔəɬ kɐlkɑ ʒjɛ ɔrɔɹ çu kɐlkɑ ʒjɛ. We will park our boat at the marina. lit. We will park our vessel by water at the port by water.
3. "Than"
ʔu - "than" used in comparisons and acts like a conjunction or particle in that everything that comes after it must come after it even if the object
Is it bigger than you?
Is it you more big than? -> WRONG Is it more big than you? -> RIGHT
Odadi aʃaʔoz p'əlkəɬ, do p'əlk' ʔu osorılaɬ koṱɛʃəb'. -> They are fast, faster than you can believe (imagine).
4. Coulda Woulda Shoulda
So, with the advent of could, would, and should, it quickly became apparent that short answers were impossible, until now.
Basically, it runs "c/w/should"+verb affix. Observe.
amkolaɹa? Did you run?
ɛfo, pum ʍul sorɪlaɹam. No, but I should have.
5. Gallifreyan Words
ṱɐrzɛl - a fool-dance, dance without steps or rhythm (basically what you end up doing when someone throws you onto the floor and expects Dancing with the Stars)
NOT to be confused with
tɐrzəl - the ceremonial headdress worn by those in the Gallifreyan government
pɛja - to sit down, be seated ɑnɑbo - to stand up (from sitting or laying down)
klɑs - song ṱɐboɹ - to sing ṱɐbowi - singer klɑsṱɐb - lyrics
7. Other Notes
"Want" verbs might be changing a bit here soon. Don't be afraid, we're simply going to make it so you can express more ideas in more ways without introducing a ton of different constructions.
The Laws of Time (under Projects) will be updated with a couple more rules sometime today or...Wednesday, depending on time. (Muahahahaha!) "Everybody knows that everybody dies." -River Song
Hurgle blurgle, so terribly sorry. So slow and behind and meh. Dictionary WILL be updated April 15, 2013.
On another note, updated "The Laws of Time" with two more rules. Also working furiously on a big thing for the Chapters, Houses, and Gallifreyan government. Going to be exciting. =_= "Everybody knows that everybody dies." -River Song
This is a week Gallifreyan government. From what I've been able to discern, the structure looks something like this:
Lord President ------INNER COUNCIL------ Chancellor (Vice-President) High Cardinal ------HIGH COUNCIL------ Councillor Cardinal Prime Castellan (non-voting) Keeper (non-voting) ------SUPREME COUNCIL------ Castellan Surgeon-General Cardinal Chapter Cardinal Under Cardinal Junior Cardinal Ordinal-Generals Ordinals ------LORDS TEMPORAL------ Full Time Lord Apprentice Time Lord Junior Time Lord
---------CIA--------- Lord President ------TRIBUNAL(DARK COUNCIL)------ Director (First Speaker) Second Speaker Third Speaker ------RANKS------ Assassin Under-Assassin
haloç - chancellor mɐlɛl - high cardinal kɑlop - councillor ɔzmiç - cardinal prime nɛtɐp - castellan waʃɑtɛl - keeper [Seeing how we don't quite know what the Surgeon-General really does or even is, I've elected to skip this rank for right now.] miçəm - cardinal sɑgnəmiç - chapter cardinal miçəmzav - under cardinal
PROPOSAL: "-zav" meaning: step down (in similar rank/type) RIGHT: miçəm (cardinal) -> miçəmzav (under cardinal) WRONG: kɑlop (councillor) -> "kɑlopzav" (cardinal prime)
k'ɔdzav k’ip’ə zi - apprentice time lord k'ɔdmɔh k’ip’ə zi - junior time lord (child-time lord)
gɛkɑwi bɑsi - first speaker gɛkɑwi fɑsi - second speaker gɛkɑwi lɑsi - third speaker
ark'ozav - under-assassin
And that's where my ideas ended. I'm currently working on a neat little chart to better diagram the structure as I perceive it. Will welcome modifications and thoughts.
And in other news...
sṱɐnʃɛn - big, burly, solid (body type), like what you might expect from a body guard or security guard Been having problems with the Dictionary software, getting everything uploaded. Not even joking, the Dictionary is freaking MASSIVE. Probably going to do something about the Proper Nouns and Flora & Fauna (yes, I still have that) and put it here as a page on the site. "Everybody knows that everybody dies." -River Song
04.16.13 So, in case you haven't noticed, there are some new pages up under Learning Resources. Lists of names, planets, places, and so on. I'm unloading a couple hundred words from the Dictionary to the site to free up some space, hopefully pleasing the server/uploading gods. (Seriously, 100 words in the Dictionary =, like, 10Mb, and 5 new pages on the site = 10Kb) Still so much more to go, but it's progressing very quickly. If all goes according to plan, the Dictionary will be up tomorrow before noon (EST). "Everybody knows that everybody dies." -River Song
04.17.13 Uploaded the Dictionary. Transferred all but about four or five words to various lists elsewhere on the site. Enjoy. "Everybody knows that everybody dies." -River Song
gɛnjɑ - apologize (Rv) ɹalɪsə - sympathize (Ev) soɹsɪn - to be sorry (Rv)
In general, and this is a very loose standard, Apologize is something for something that happened on purpose and Sorry is for something that was an accident. Again, this is a very loose standard.
"Ɛsoɹsɪnaɬ. Mɪflɪṱ...mɪflɪṱ ɛsoɹsɪnaɬ."
mɛli(j)- - turns Rv/Ev into n (not gerunds) koz(')- - turns Rv/Ev into n (gerund)
Gerunds turn verbs directly into nouns in two ways.
Example: the gerund of "to advise" is "advising" (gerund), but we also have the word "advisement" (non-gerund). "Advisement" means "careful consideration". Gerunds are specifically used to talk about the action of the verb as a noun, while this afx will be used to form related (or once-related) nouns from a verb root.
pərjuɹ - specific insult, may be rendered as "b*tch" or "bastard"
barajmən - try "Everybody knows that everybody dies." -River Song
Date: Saturday, 11 May 2013, 6:59 AM | Message # 24
Rihays, Master of Many Names
Group: Administrators
Messages: 431
Status: Offline
05.11.13 A slow week vocab-wise, rather productive idiom-and-phrase wise, and quite productive Proper noun/other vocab-wise.
Note: Due to Mother's Day here in the US and all the fun stuff my family does for it the Dictionary will not be updated right away.
1. Vocabulary
ɪçtu - symbol, logo (anything from Apple's white apple to the Star of David, or even a nation's flag) vɛɹ.nəm - equilateral/regular (adj) - refers to shapes where all sides are equal in measurement; can refer to 3-D shapes or, colloquially, to studies or equations with the same results
As far as the studies go on this one, from what I understand from Rhiannon, this is sort of lumped in with "hypothesis" "theory" "law" and whatnot and would be used like "Studies show that 1 out of 4 Whovians make up 25% of the total fandom." And you would use vɛɹnəm to describe the studies because they all came out the same way.
It is also used to describe mathematical equations.
x + 4 = 2(x+5)^3 "Q1. Is this equation regular?" / "Q1. Solve this regular equation for x."
çut̪ - shush, sh, hush (excl) θ - shhh (soothing) (excl) çutar - to hush, shush, silence (Rv) θɛθij - to soothe mɔhɛnɛ - childish love, puppy love, crush ɹonɛjɪs - good/well (not bad, as a description of well-being)
2. Phrases "take a seat" replacement: find a place. find/look for (literal) - jɛl.jow Rv place - nuz.na (n)
3. Proper Nouns and Other Vocab ɐrkɛlɪs - a flower found on the planet Skaro; it takes root only in metal Dʒɹɛnz - last peaceful leader of the Daleks; assassinated Flidoɹ - one of Skaro's moons Gɹɪltɪs - river on Skaro (probably legend) that flows with crude oil Sk'ɑros - Skarosian system (where planet Skaro is located) Amɛron - ancient name of Skaro Fibijəs - another planet in the Skarosian system
voɹtɪsoɹ - winged reptile on Gallifrey
Note 1: Some of these were taken from "The Dalek Dictionary" published in 19?4 (I think it was 1984). Note 2: These will not appear in the Dictionary, but in the appropriate pages in Learning Resources. "Everybody knows that everybody dies." -River Song
Think of it as a sunburn and/or forgetting about something on the stove versus arson.
sɪk - clump, stuff "What's this clump [stuff]?"
tʃɐʒɪɹɛj - to clump, to stuff "Just clump [stuff]it all together!" OR "Just stuff [clump]it in here!"
sno- - group of, herd of, clump of, etc. snovoɹtɪsoɹ - herd of vortisaur
snopu - group, herd, clump (naturally-occurring)
One is naturally occurring, the other really isn't.
poru - illness (referring to the symptoms) "Your illness is most perplexing." (Your symptoms are odd.)
sɐrtɪʒən - illness (referring to the sickness itself) "Your illness is most perplexing." (We know the root cause, but it's not responding to treatment.)
stɛlənd - a specific illness, similar to a cold "You're fine; you only have a cold."
hɛlnɛ - barrel (container) dʒokrəs - basil (color) lɪfəlʃ - beat, hit (Rv) ɛrɛnko - sound, beat (n) əfɪlum - body of a group or association (n) nɛjɪlɪg - book, reserve (Rv)
It appears one little bitty word has been singled out and stashed at the end of the Dictionary. This is a glitch in the program and will be fixed in the next issue. "Everybody knows that everybody dies." -River Song
For transportation, the doctor used to ride bareback on vortisaurs, which look a little like indigo pterodactyls with violet markings. He was apparently rather good at it.
Note that in the Dictionary, these are merely listed as "[first] day of the Gallifreyan week, appx. as [Monday]" since we don't know a whole lot about Gallifreyan weeks. They may be altered in the future if new information becomes available.
ɛvuw - to throw, cast out (as dice or fishing line, etc.) ɑɬuk' - table
IDIOM: ɛvuw k’ip’əɬ uθ ɑɬukɔm ik'ɪl "to throw time onto the table" To waste time doing pointless or reckless things (ie. gambling)
t̪əblijow - 1. v., to gamble (intrans.), 2. v., to bet on (trans.) t̪əblijoɹ - gambling
ut̪ɑ - habit
uk'ɑt̪ - addiction (non-substance [gambling, shopping, etc.]) hɐʃuk'ɑt̪ - addiction (substance [alcohol, drugs, etc.], from "hɐʃiʔ" plant, and "uk'ɑt̪" addiction)
kɛsɪl - alcohol (chem. C2H5OH) sɪɹpi - alcohol (coll., referring to an alcoholic drink or substance) ʃɁɹpɪ - alcoholic (person) paɹʃɁ - to throw up or get sick from drinking
IDIOM: ɛvuw pɪdrowəɬ uθ kɪpɑʔnuwɔm mɛlɛha oʔəp' "to cast history into the untempered schism" to screw up beyond all belief and repair
"ɛvuw pɪdro!" Screw it! I don't care! (Cast out history!)
4. Word Submissions
These are words from the Word Submissions forum. Use the forum. USE IT.
I'm back! After FIVE WEEKS with no internet, my cable is stable again! So sorry to be on hiatus and not be able to tell you folks! But I'm glad to be here.