Hello everyone!
My name is Josh, I'm new to this site, and learning Gallifreyan - the proper way, anyway, I suppose. Haha, I learned Sherman's Circular before stumbling across this site because I wanted to learn Gallifreyan in a way that felt more like Gallifreyan rather than just cool looking English.
I'm obviously a long time Whovian, and can't wait to get stuck into learning the language you guys have all so impressively created!
I hope to learn heaps while I'm here, because currently I know absolutely nothing. It can all be a bit confusing, haha.
Anyway, just wondering if there are any plans on making some tutorials to make it easier to grasp the basics? I feel like if there was a tutorial for translating a phrase like: "Bow ties are cool" into both Circular and.. the other one (what's it called? IPA or something?) then people would be able to then go on and work the rest out really much simpler. Just a thought, I know I would personally benefit from it endlessly, as I have no idea where to start currently!
Thanks! Added (22 Apr 2013, 2:46 AM)
Also, just a quick question in the same place to avoid creating a new thread for what is probably a really basic question - how does on differentiate between the pictograms for ʒ and ɐ?
Is it the size of the circle, or the placement of the dots?