Gallifreyan-English Dictionary
Editor: Rihays
This is the Dictionary for Collective Gallifreyan, the conlang created for BBC's hit sci-fi show Doctor Who. All words here are from the folks at Collective Gallifreyan, either on the Forum or the Tumblr.
Disclaimer: This conlang is not endorsed or canonized in any way by the BBC.
This collection generally only includes the words, maybe a few notes. The best way to understand some of the nuances is to practice on the Forum and take a look at the other resources available. IPA is included on most of the words, but it is still a work-in-progress. Periods indicate syllables and an apostrophe at the beginning of the syllable indicates stress.
adv. = adverb
adj. = adjective
cardnum. = cardinal number
conn. = connective/conjunction
def. = definite article
dem. = demonstrative
det. = determiner
Dppro. = definite personal pronoun
indef. = indefinite article
interr. = interrogative
intj. = interjection
n. = noun
Nprop. = proper noun
part. = particle
pro. = pronoun
prep. - preposition
quant. = quantifier
v. = verb
aθup' ['aθ.up'] n heat
aθuɹ [a.'θuɹ] v to burn (naturally, accidentally)
aðɐʒim [að.ɐ.'ʒim] n darkness
aðɐʒimgəb [að.ɐ.'ʒim.gəb] v to darken
alɐrko [al.'ɐr.ko] n assassination
alɑçɑz [a.lɑ.'çɑz] n indigenous person
alɑçɑzbɑ [a.lɑ.'çɑz.bɑ] n native citizen
alɔk'ip'a [a.'lɔ.k'i.p'a] n synchronization
alɔk'ipow [a.'lɔ.k'i.pow] v to synchronize
alo- turns adjective into a noun
aloθɔk ['a.lo.θɔk] n drumbeat
alolɑwnvəm [a.lo.'lɑwn.vəm] n righteousness
alolɪlɪgəb [a.lo.'lɪ.lɪ.gəb] adj colonial
alop'ɐk' [a.lo.'p'ɐk'] n stubborness
alopɛlən [a.'lo.pɛ.lən] n transparency
alopɛk’ [a.lo.'pɛk’] n night
alodɑɹi [a.lo.'dɑ.ɹi] n possibility (generic)
alodɑɹifɛd [a.lo.'dɑɹ.i.fɛd] n possibility[object]
alodɑɹidod [a.lo.'dɑ.ɹi.dod] n possibility[person]
alodɑɹijazu [a.lo.'dɑɹ.i.ja.zu] n possibility[action]
alodɑɹijɐʔwoj [a.lo.dɑ.ɹij.'ɐʔ.woj] n possibility[concept]
aloduç [a.lo.'duç] n gratitude
alovrɐtʔk [a.lo.'vrɐ.tʔk] adj awe-inspiring
aloisɔndɹə [a.loi.'sɔn.dɹə] n bragging
alotalṱɔ [a.lo.'tal.ṱɔ] n death
alonun [a.lo.'nun] n trust
alonılɛv [a.lo.nı.'lɛv] n freedom
alosɛkuz [a.lo.sɛ.'kuz] n zeal
aloruʍɑn ['ʍɑn] adj distant
alorʃṱa [a.'lorʃ.ṱa] n dread
alorçi [a.'lor.çi] n stripe (no pl.)
alozəɹ [a.lo.'zəɹ] adj selfish
alozəril [a.lo.zə.'ril] n selfishness
aloʒoɹk' [a.lo.'ʒoɹk'] n jealousy
alojudin [a.lo.'ju.din] n theater
alokəθınəm [a.lo.'kəθ.ı.nəm] n rhyme
alogitɛjn ['tɛjn] n violet (pl. alogitɛjniç)
aluzrın [a.'luz.rın] n danger
apori [a.'por.i] n end of conceptual or living things
ad- prefix meaning "would be" (would-be-friend, etc.)
-avoɹ pertaining to religion
amijomi [a.mi.'jo.mi] n romance
aɹdɹi ['aɹ.dɹi ] n burden
aɹsɛn [aɹ.'sɛn] n parsley (herb)
aʃ- prefix meaning "ex-" (ex-husband, etc.)
aʃa ['a.ʃa] pro they (non-TL, pl.)
anoçɛl ['çɛl] n innocence
ando ['] n street
andɛj [an.'dɛj] n third day of Gallifreyan week (appx. Wednesday)
anko ['an.ko] n servant (indentured, contractual)
ankonow ['] v to serve (under a master, contractually)
ankoril [an.ko.'ril] n service (contract)
asotɛn ['tɛn] v to climb, ascend
ark'o ['ar.k'o] n assassin
ark'ozav [ar.'k'o.zav] n under-assassin
arkowəb’ ['ar.ko.wəb’] v to assassinate
az- prefix meaning "-to-be" (wife-to-be, etc.)
azut [a.'zut] n verb
azspɛdɪg [az.'spɛ.dɪg] n stranger
aʒa ['a.ʒa] pro they (TL, pl.)
akhatɛ [ak.'ha.tɛ] adv forever (universal only)
θθ [θ] interj shush, sh, hush (soothing)
θɐʃ [θɐʃ] n hate
θɐʃli ['θɐʃ.li] adj hateful
θɐʃow [θɐ.'ʃow] v to hate
θɑla ['θɑ.la] n endearing term for third-gender parent
θɑlɑb' [θɑ.'lɑb'] n parent (generic)
θɑlɑb'a ['θɑ.lɑ.b'a] n parent (third-gender)
θɑlɑb'ə ['θɑ.lɑ.b'ə] n father
θɑlɑb'o ['θɑ.lɑ.b'o] n mother
θɑlə ['θɑ.lə] n daddy, dad
θɑlo ['θɑ.lo] n mommy, mom
θɑɹ [θɑɹ] n emerald
θɑɹil ['θɑ.ɹil] adj emerald, made of emeralds
θɔl [θɔl] n hat, cap
θɔnɑsu ['θɔ.nɑ.su] n heartbeat (non-Time Lords)
θɔnɑsuɹ [θɔ.nɑ.'suɹ] n heartsbeat (Time Lords)
θɔnɑr ['θɔ.nɑr] v to beat (as a drum)
θornin ['θor.nin] n shenanigans, pranks, absurd jokes
θulak’ [θu.'la.k’] n drum (instrument)
θulʃ [θulʃ] n angle (math.)
θɛ [θɛ] prep before, in front of
θɛθij ['θɛ.θij] v to soothe
θɛṱsɑn ['θɛṱ.sɑn] n upstage
θilop’ ['θi.lop’] v to smell
θiloṱwi [θi.'lo.ṱwi] n sense of smell
θiʃ- re-, again (Ev only)
θiʃɛk ['θi.ʃɛk] v to repeat
θiʃɛkli [θi.'ʃɛ] n repetition
θɪrma ['θɪ] n island
ɐθim [ɐ.'θim] adj hot (not cold)
ɐθɪgɪp' [ɐ.θɪ.'gɪp'] n archipelago
ɐðɪ ['ɐ.ðɪ] prep with, accompanying
ɐlkɐd ['ɐl.kɐd] adj deep (water level)
ɐvılin [ɐ.vı.'lin] adj clandestine
ɐmba ['ɐ] n nose
ɐmɪj [ɐ.'mɪj] v 1to think 2to plan 3to invent (abstract, conceptual)
ɐbɪṱ ['ɐ.bɪṱ] n coin (as currency)
ɐʃɪn ['ɐ.ʃɪn] adj black
ɐṱi ['ɐ.ṱi] adj other
ɐnɔl [ɐ.'nɔl] n act, deed
ɐnonim ['ɐ.no.nim] v to think (that)
ɐrɪvɪl ['ɐr.ɪ.vɪl] n weapon
ɐk'lgɛli [ɐ.'k'l.gɛ.li] n revelation
ɐk'lgɛɹ [ɐ.'k'l.gɛɹ] v to reveal
ɐʔwojçɛ [ɐʔ.'woj.çɛ] n thought
ɐgobor ['ɐ.go.bor] n downtown (slang)
ɐgorɪb' [ɐ.'gor.ɪb'] v to go out with friends, out on the town
ðɐnu ['ðɐ.nu] n child (natural, generic)
ðɐnum ['ðɐ.num] n 1childe, loomling 2cousin (of the loom)
ðɐnuma [ðɐ.'] n childe (loomling, third-gender [rarely used])
ðɐnumə [ðɐ.'nu.mə] n son (loomling [rarely used])
ðɐnumo [ðɐ.'] n daughter (loomling [rarely used])
ðɐnuwa [ðɐ.'nu.wa] n child (natural, third-gender)
ðɐnuwə [ðɐ.'nu.wə] n son (natural)
ðɐnuwo [ðɐ.'nu.wo] n daughter (natural)
ðɐʒɛ ['ðɐ.ʒɛ] adj dark
ðɑm [ðɑm] n garnet
ðɑmil [ðɑ.'mil] adj garnet, made of garnets
ðɑnɑn [ðɑ.'nɑn] v to read
ðəm [ðəm] n ravine
ðən [ðən] prep around (motion)
ðɔp’ [ðɔp’] prep during (abstract; used with binʔ and apori)
ðorka ['ðor.ka] adj big
ðuʒonəb' ['ðu.ʒo.nəb'] v to multiply
ðuʒonow ['ðu.ʒ] v to divide
ðuʒor [ðu.'ʒor] n multiplication
ðujɪp' ['ðu.jɪp'] n stairs, flight of stairs
ðɛlonɛj [ðɛ.lo.'nɛj] n serendipity
ðɛplɑ ['ðɛp.lɑ] adj actual, real
ðɛploɹ [ðɛ.'ploɹ] n reality
ðɛsɑsof ['ðɛ.sɑ.sof] n wisdom
ðɛsofa [ðɛ.'so.fa] adj wise
ðɛsosɛt ['ðɛ.so.sɛt] n proverb
ðɹɑk' [ðɹɑk'] n tree branch ðɹɑk'ʃɔk'
ðɹɑk'ʃɔk' ['ðɹɑk'.ʃɔk'] (ðɹɑk', -ʃɔk') n stick (from a tree)
ðɪʃ [ðɪʃ] adj light (color)
ɑðuʒo [ɑ.'ðu.ʒo] n division
ɑɑm [ɑɑm] interj term of uncertainty, "Um..." "Er..."
ɑlbɛn ['ɑl.bɛn] adj checker-pattern (no pl.)
ɑlɛg ['ɑ.lɛg] v to change, alter (consequential)
ɑlɛgɛɹ [ɑ.lɛ.'gɛɹ] n change, alteration
-ɑlit post- (fixed)
ɑlis [ɑ.'lis] n topaz
ɑlisil [ɑ.'li.sil] adj topaz, made of topaz
ɑltɑm ['ɑl.tɑm] 1n instrument (technological) 2adj technological (used with instruments and tools)
ɑlti ['ɑl.ti] prep after (a fixed event)
ɑɬuk' ['ɑ.ɬuk'] n table
ɑmilkə [ɑ.'mil.kə] n whirlwind
ɑbor [ɑ.'bor] adj near past
ɑnɑbo [ɑ.'nɑ.bo] v to stand up (from sitting or laying down)
ɑnok ['ɑ.nok] n person
ɑnudo [ɑ.'] n subtraction
ɑnrɪ ['ɑn.rɪ] n month, unit of time (varies depending on location)
ɑsəri [ɑ.'sə.ri] n start, beginning
ɑsəʒɑ [ɑ.'sə.ʒɑ] n start line
ɑrum ['ɑ.rum] n bullet
ɑrɪjo [ɑ.'rɪ.jo] adj wide
ɑrɪko [ɑ.'rɪ.ko] n width
falodɑɹi [fa.lo.'dɑ.ɹi] n impossibility (generic)
falodɑɹifɛd [fa.lo.'dɑ.ɹi.fɛd] n impossibility[object]
falodɑɹidod [fa.lo.'dɑ.ɹi.dod] n impossibility[person]
falodɑɹijazu [fa.lo.dɑ.ɹi.'ja.zu] n impossibility[action]
falodɑɹijɐʔwoj [fa.lo.dɑ.ɹi.'jɐʔ.woj] n impossibility[concept]
favɑloʃ ['fa.vɑ.loʃ] adj immune (to bodily ailments)
favələn ['fa.və.lən] n can, container
favəṱoʃ ['fa.və.ṱoʃ] adj immune (to brain, telepathic ailments)
favubaʃ ['ʃ] adj immune (to emotional ailments)
favro ['] n religion
favrok' ['fav.rok'] adj religious
famrɑ ['fam.rɑ] v to know (possibilities) (Ev)
faʃəloʃ ['fa.ʃə.loʃ] adj immune (to psychological ailments)
fakʔvɑloʃ [fa.kʔ.'vɑ.loʃ] n immunity
fakʔvɑlhiz [fak.'ʔvɑl.hiz] n immune system
fɐnɛm ['fɐ.nɛm] n music
fɑ [fɑ] cardnum two suʍɑhiz fɑti
fɑdogri [fɑ.'do.gri] n twins
fɑɹkɛl ['fɑɹ.kɛl] n air, manner
fɑti ['fɑ.ti] adj binary, double
fɑnok ['fɑ.nok] adv twice
fɑsi ['fɑ.si] ordnum second
fəɬ [fəɬ] prep like, as
flɪndwə ['flɪn.dwə] n (dessert) pie
fo [fo] adv not
fofɛn ['fo.fɛn] conn or not (used with ʃfalɛṱ [whether])
fodɑɹi [fo.'dɑ.ɹi] adj impossible (generic)
fodɑɹifɛd [fo.'dɑ.ɹi.fɛd] adj impossible[object]
fodɑɹidod [fo.'dɑ.ɹi.dod] adj impossible[person]
fodɑɹijazu [fo.dɑ.ɹi.'ja.zu] adj impossible[action]
fodɑɹijɐʔwoj [fo.dɑ.ɹi.'jɐʔ.woj] adj impossible[concept]
fon [fon] adv never
fonɑnok ['fo.nɑ.nok] pro no one
fonfɛdrə [fon.'fɛd.rə] adv nothing
fonʃɛn ['fon.ʃɛn] 1adj asexual 2n asexual person 3n asexuality
fori ['fo.ri] n jewelry
fozos ['fo.zos] prt must not
fowad ['fo.wad] interj "isn't it?" "right?!"
fulnɪṱ ['ful.nɪṱ] n testes, testicles (anat.)
fuɹlɑr ['fuɹ.lɑr] v to lose (a competition)
fuɹlɑwi [fuɹ.'lɑ.wi] n loser (of a competition)
furɑl ['fur.ɑl] n loss (of a competition)
fɛltij [fɛl.'tij] n fifth day of Gallifreyan week (appx. Friday)
fɛdrə ['fɛd.rə] n thing
fɛn [fɛn] conn or (used with ʃfalɛṱ [whether])
fɛnu ['fɛ.nu] prep without
-fɛnu- -less, without
fɛsoɹ [fɛ.'soɹ] v to work, function
fɛsorit [fɛ.'so.rit] n function (work)
fɛsʍol ['fɛs.ʍol] n guilt
fɛswoj [fɛs.'woj] adj guilty
fɛrwɛl ['fɛr.wɛl] n dessert
fnor [fnor] conn nor
fnor...fnor... ['fnor 'fnor] conn neither...nor...
fıjap' [fı.'jap'] adj free (no cost)
fɪzam [fɪ.'zam] v to appear (come into view)
fɪʒɛloɹɪm [fɪ.ʒɛ.'loɹ.ɪm] prep against, touching
əθlɑ ['əθ.lɑ] prep during (used with səri and nali)
əθɛɹ [ə.'θɛɹ] n fire
əθɛni [ə.'θɛ.ni] adj fiery
əθɛri [ə.'θɛ.ri] n flames
əfɪlum [ə.'fɪ.lum] n body (of a group or association)
ələgb’ɹ [ə.'ləg.b’ɹ] n one who can get pregnant
əpul [ə.'pul] v to wear (clothing)
əmb’ɑ [əm.'b’ɑ] v 1to imply 2to assume
əbon ['ə.bon] adj ebonite-colored
əbonri [ə.'bon.ri] n ebonite
əbonril ['ə] adj ebonite, made of ebonite
əbuɹ [ə.'buɹ] prep between, among (choose between)
əṱɪ ['ə.ṱɪ] n pub, tavern, bar
əṱɪnan ['ə.ṱɪ.nan] n bartender
ənduɹ [ən.'duɹ] n substitute term for a lesser ruler not of Gallifrey (nobleman, governor, etc.)
əndɛ ['ən.dɛ] v 1to worship 2to adore
əndɛpɑl ['ən.dɛ.pɑl ] adj worshipful
əndɛk' ['ən.dɛk'] n 1worship 2adoration
əndɛwi [ən.'dɛw.i] n worshiper
ərlon ['ər.lon] n movement, motion
ərlonow ['ə] v to move, make a movement
ərobok' [ə.'ro.bok'] n scientific/temporal law
ərubɑn ['ə.ru.bɑn] n scientific theory
ərubɑni [ə.ru.'bɑ.ni] adj theoretical
ərubɛn ['ə.ru.bɛn] n scientific hypothesis
ərubɛnow [ə.'ru.bɛ.now] v to hypothesize
əruk ['ə] n science (broad/general use)
ərukdos ['ə.ruk.dos] n scientific method
ərvuɹ [ər.'vuɹ] n blade
əçɛn [ə.'çɛn] v 1to be late 2to be lost
əçɛnu [ə.'çɛ.nu] adj 1late 2lost
ɔθhɪd ['ɔθ.hɪd] n floor, level (of a building)
ɔpoʃ ['ɔ.poʃ] adj modern
ɔmor [ɔ.'mor] prep before (abstract, referring to events that may have been changed)
ɔʃir [ɔ.'ʃir] n opal
ɔʃiril [ɔ.'ʃ] adj opal, made of opals
ɔṱɛm [ɔ.'ṱɛm] n herb
ɔṱzjudo [ɔṱz.'] n (savory) pie
ɔsɪɹ [ɔ.'sɪɹ] n hole
ɔrɔɹ ['ɔr.ɔɹ] n place for many transportation vehicles (parking lot, etc.)
ɔrɔɹʃɔk' ['ɔr.ɔɹ.ʃɔk'] n single spot for single transportation vehicle (parking spot, etc.)
ɔzuk' ['ɔ.zuk'] adj great, mighty
ɔzmiç ['ɔz.miç] n cardinal prime
ɔk'ri ['ɔk'.ri] v to cook
ɔg [ɔg] 1adj most 2quant superlative marker (conceptual)
ɔgɪp' ['ɔ.gɪp'] adv most times
ɔhɹu [ɔ.'hɹu] n moon
laf- prefix meaning sex-related
lafonɑvɑl [la.'fo.nɑ.vɑl] v to change sex during regeneration (Ev)
lafɛn [la.'fɛn] n lover
lafwoɹz [laf.'woɹz] n sex-based discrimination
lafworiz [laf.'wo.riz] n sex-based oppression
lɐvɛjɹ [lɐ.'vɛjɹ] n family (biological, adopted, not chosen)
lɐvɛjɾɛnɛt [lɐ.'vɛjɾ.ɛ.nɛt] n love for one's unchosen family
lɐvɛjɾɛnɛtol [lɐ.'vɛjɾ.ɛ.nɛ.tol] v to love one's unchosen family (Ev)
lɐçuɹ [lɐ.'çuɹ] n sauce (vegetables/herbs) lɐçuɹ lɛnlaʔl , lɐçuɹ sɐɬli
lɐçuɹ lɛnlaʔl [lɐ.'çuɹ lɛn.'laʔl] (lɐçuɹ, lɛnlaʔ) n gravy (lit. animal sauce)
lɐçuɹ sɐɬli [lɐ.'çuɹ 'sɐɬ.li] (sɐɬ, lɐçuɹ) n salad dressing
lɑ [lɑ] cardnum three
lɑθulʃ [lɑ.'θulʃ] n triangle
lɑfʔɾi [lɑ.'fʔ.ɾi] n sex, referring to the body or organs (always pl.)
lɑlɪp ['lɑ.lɪp] adj 1impressionable 2soft (to the touch)
lɑdogri [lɑ.'do.gri] n triplets
lɑdɛkɐb' [lɑ.dɛ.'kɐb'] n peninsula
lɑniʒ [lɑ.'niʒ] n three-sided shape
lɑsi ['lɑ.si] ordnum third
lɑswar [lɑs.'war] n anklet
lɑswɐri [lɑ.'swɐ.ri] n ankle
lɑçɑɾi [lɑ.'çɑ.ɾi] n lungs comp. bɑ lɑçɑri
lɑçunɪ [lɑ.'çu.nɪ] n trilogy
lɑçıʃınɑhiz [lɑ.çı.'ʃı.nɑ.hiz] n respiratory system
lɑwnvəm ['lɑwn.vəm] adj righteous
lɑwnvɛj ['lɑwn.vɛj] adj right, correct
lə [lə] n number
lə sɪçorə [lə sɪ.'ço.rə] n lottery, drawing
ləruk [lə.'ruk] adj scientific
lo [lo] q question marker
lolina ['na] v to hold, embrace, cuddle
lop'ləɹ ['lop'.ləɹ] n 1whole 2entierty
lop’ [lop’] prt what
lomoʃ [lo.'moʃ] n afternoon
loɹzɪn ['loɹ.zɪn] interj response to a cough (formal or informal)
lonut ['lo.nut] n finger
losɑk [lo.'sɑk] n addition, item
lorız ['lor.ız] v to end (Rv, Ev)
lorızu ['lor.ı.zu] n end of a geographic or cosmic thing
luɹ [luɹ] n spirit, soul
luʃa ['lu.ʃa] n sapphire
luʃajil ['lu.ʃa.jil] adj sapphire, made of sapphires
luṱhɛz ['luṱ.hɛz] n 3rd-gender person being married
lutɑri [lu.'tɑ.ri] n village
lunṱ [lunṱ] n spouse
lunṱɐ ['lun.ṱɐ] n husband
lunṱo ['lun.ṱo] n wife
lunṱı ['lun.ṱı] n third-gender spouse
lunk' [lunk'] v to accept, acquiesce
lus [lus] n skirt
luk’ [luk’] n a pair or set of boots (pl. luk'çɛ)
-luʍɑ hypo-
lɛθ- pre- (changeable, abstract)
lɛpk' [lɛpk'] n contents
lɛnlaʔ [lɛn.'laʔ] n animal lɐçuɹ lɛnlaʔl
lɛjto ['lɛ] n service
lɛjtoɹ ['lɛj.toɹ] v 1to serve (of one's free will) 2to volunteer
lɛjtowi [lɛj.'to.wi] n 1servant 2volunteer
-li turns noun into adjective
lim- prefix meaning gender-related
liməʃɛn ['li.mə.ʃɛn] 1n sexually attracted to men 2adj sexually attracted to men
liməjɛnɛ [li.mə.'jɛ.nɛ] 1n romantic attraction to men 2adj romantic attraction to men
limuʃɛn ['ʃɛn] 1n sexually attracted to women 2adj sexually attracted to women
limuwɛnɛ ['wɛ.nɛ] 1n romantic attraction to women 2adj romantic attraction to women
limʃɛn ['lim.ʃɛn] 1n pansexual, omnisexual 2adj pansexual, omnisexual 3n pansexuality, omnisexuality
limiʃɛn [li.'mi.ʃɛn] 1n sexually attracted to a third gender 2adj sexually attracted to a third gender
limijɛnɛ [li.mi.'jɛ.nɛ] 1n romantic attraction to a third-gender 2adj romantic attraction to a third-gender
limçɛʃɛn ['lim.çɛ.ʃɛn] 1n multisexual 2adj multisexual 3n multisexuality
limwoɹz [lim.'woɹz] n gender-based prejudice
limwoɾiz [lim.'wo.ɾiz] n gender-based oppression
liɹ [liɹ] v to amount to, to total
lirɐ ['lir.ɐ] prep during (used with tosun and lorɪz)
lirik’ ['lir.ik’] n amount, total
lik’ [lik’] adj many, much
likɪp' ['li.kɪp'] adv many times (South)
ligɪp' ['li.gɪp'] adv many times (North)
lızʒi ['lız.ʒi] adj happy
lʔdɪl ['lʔ.dɪl] n stutter
lʔdɪlʔp [lʔ.'dɪl.ʔp] v to stutter, be tongue-tied
lwohi [lwohi] n study or practical arts
lwohiwi [lwo.'hi.wi] n disciple
lɪfəlʃ [lɪ.'fəlʃ] v to beat (hit, abuse)
lɪlɪk ['lɪ.lɪk] v to colonize
lɪlɪko ['lɪ.lɪ.ko] n colony
lɪlɪkori [lɪ.lɪ.'ko.ri] n empire
lɪlɪgəb ['lɪ.lɪ.gəb] n colonizer, descendants of colonizing people
ofɛɹ [o.'fɛɹ] adj far
-ol turns noun into verb
olɑk’ ['o.lɑk’] interrog when/where
olɪrɪp' [o.'lɪ.rɪp'] n oregano (herb)
opənoɹ ['o.pə.noɹ] v to understand, grasp the meaning of (Ev)
opɔf ['o.pɔf] adj top (physical [as compared to "top" of the hour])
opo ['o.po] adj golden (color)
opori [o.'por.i] n gold (metal)
oporil [o.'] adj golden, made of gold
od [od] v to be
odin [o.'din] adj doubtful, apocryphal
oboɹ [o.'boɹ] n law
oboɹpɑl [o.'boɹ.pɑl] adj 1lawful 2legal
oburʃ [o.'burʃ] n destruction
obuwi [o.'bu.wi] n destroyer
obɛrɪʃ [o.'bɛr.ɪʃ] v 1to destroy 2to lay to waste
obɪk ['o.bɪk] n tiger obɪkʃɔk'
obɪkʃɔk' ['o.bɪk.ʃɔk'] (obɪk, -ʃɔk') n cat (domestic)
oɹvɛn ['oɹ.vɛn] n retribution, vengeance
oɹçi vorɪʃil ['oɹ.çi 'vo.rɪ.ʃil] adj onyx, made of onyx
oʃ [oʃ] pro it (inan., sing.)
oʃrɛn ['oʃ.rɛn] adj every (generic)
oʃrɛnazu [oʃ.rɛ.'na.zu] n everything[action]
oʃrɛnɐʔwoj [oʃ.rɛn.'ɐʔ.woj] n everything[concept]
oʃrɛnfɛd ['oʃ.rɛn.fɛd] n everything[object]
oʃrɛndod ['oʃ.rɛn.dod] n everyone
oʃk'aɹ [oʃ.'k'aɹ] v to dance
oʃk'o ['oʃ.k'o] n dance
onɑvɑl [o.nɑ.'vɑl] v to regenerate
ondi ['on.di] n vulva (anat.)
onsigrɐj ['ɐj ] n air, atmosphere
onɪnol ['on.ɪn.ol] n ordinal-general
onɪnolzav [o.'nɪ.nol.zav] n ordinal
osrɪk ['os.rɪk] n scabbard, sheath
ora ['or.a] n truth
orani [o.'] adj true
orʃṱab' ['orʃ.ṱab'] v to dread
orçi ['or.çi] adj striped comp. vorıʃ oɹçi
orçinow ['or.ç] v to stripe
ozoz ['o.zoz] n ick
ozun ['o.zun] adj icky
ozi ['o.zi] interj exclamation of disgust, "Ew!" "Gross!"
ozini [o.'] adj gross
oçol [o.'çol] interj vocative marker, Oh! (sexual)
oçɛja [o.'çɛ.ja] n bird
ok'ɑra [o.'k'ɑ.ra] n town
ok'o ['o.k'o] n list
ok’zi ['ok’.zi] adv today
okoṱ ['o.koṱ] v to list
okok ['ok.ok] dem there (place)
okið [o.'kið] dem this
oʔɛk' [o.'ʔɛk'] prep outside
ohi ['o.hi] n a pair or set of shoes (pl. ohiri)
oɁəp' [o.'Ɂəp'] prep in, inside
uθ [uθ] def the
uðɐɾ [u.'ðɐɾ] v 1to respond/act immediately 2to fail to hesitate (metaphorical)
uðu ['u.ðu] Dppro the
uðiɹ [u.'ðiɹ] v to have
uf [uf] pro we (pl.)
ufi ['uf.i] pro you (frm., pl.)
ulo ['u.lo] prep behind
ulojɛrɑhɪ [u.lo.jɛ.'rɑ.hɪ] n backstage
udɪṱsɑn ['u.dɪṱ.sɑn] n downstage
udɪç ['ud.ɪç] prep up to
umij [u.'mij] n (public) service
umjan ['um.jan] v to serve (provide a [public] service)
umjawi [um.'ja.wi] n (public} servant
uɹsɪn ['uɹ.sɪn] n guard (of a sword)
uʃ [uʃ] pro they (inan., pl.)
uʃɔç ['uʃ.ɔç] n east
uṱu ['u.ṱu] adj all
ut̪ɑ ['u.t̪ɑ] n habit
usθɐ ['us.θɐ] interrog what kind
usi ['] pro you (frm., dual)
urɔʃi [u.'rɔʃ.i] adv here (place)
uroʃ ['u.roʃ ] adv here (time)
uruʃ ['u.ruʃ] adv here (time and place)
uzrinow ['] v to be in danger (Ev)
uzrın ['uz.rın] adj dangerous
uk'am ['u.k'am] v to hear
uk'ɑt ['uk'.ɑt] n addiction (non-substance [gambling, shopping, etc.])
uk’ṱwi ['uk’.ṱwi] n sense of hearing
uh [uh] indf a, an
uwi ['u.wi] pro you (frm., sing.)
p'anəṱ ['p'a.nəṱ] n wolf p'anəṱʃɔk'
p'anəṱʃɔk' ['p'a.nəṱ.ʃɔk'] (p'anəṱ, -ʃɔk') n dog (domestic)
p'ɐlɔg ['p'ɐ.lɔg] adj important
p'ɐk' [p'ɐk'] adj stubborn
p'ɑ [p'ɑ] cardnum ten
p'ɑsi ['p'ɑ.si] ordnum tenth
p'əlk’ [p'əlk’] adj fast
p'lə [p'lə] n 1part 2piece
p'ləɹ [p'.'ləɹ] adj 1whole 2entire
p'ləwi [p'.'lə.wi] n member
p'ulɪɬ ['p'u.lɪɬ] prep beside, alongside
p'umb'oɹ ['p'um.b'oɹ] n thunder
p'umboṱɐʃ ['p'ṱɐʃ] n thunderstorm
p'ima ['p'] n adjective
p'tɁɹ ['p'.tɁɹ] 1n myth 2v to make into a myth
p’iɹ [p’iɹ] n dress/formal jacket
paɹʃɁ ['paɹ.ʃɁ] v to throw up or be sick from drinking too much
pɐlɛk ['pɐ.lɛk] v to give
pɐlkɪ ['pɐl.kɪ] n gift, present
-pɑl -ful (may attach to nouns or verbs)
pɑlɑdɪ ['pɑ.lɑ.dɪ] n verdict (law)
pɑlɪp ['pɑ.lɪp] v to feel (state of being [I feel happy, etc])
pɑndɑ ['pɑn.dɑ] n money (generic)
pɑndɑk ['pɑn.dɑk] n Gallifreyan currency
pərjuɹ ['pər.juɹ] n specific insult, rendered as b*tch or bastard
poðrin [poð.'rin] v to develop, grow
poðrini [poð.'] adj developed
poru ['] n illness (referring to the symptoms)
porul ['por.ul] adj ill
poruwil ['wil] v to fall ill
puf [puf] n a pair or set of socks (pl. pufçɛ)
pulti ['pul.ti] n rice
pum [pum] conn but (contrast [not x but y])
putər [pu.'tər] v 1to obliterate 2to exterminate
pun [pun] n Gallifreyan currency
pɛlən ['pɛ.lən] adj transparent
pɛng [pɛng] v to balance
pɛngiz [pɛn.'giz] n balance
pɛja ['pɛ.ja] v to sit down, be seated
pɛkpɛɹ [pɛk.'pɛɹ] v to snore
pɛkpɛk ['pɛk.pɛk] n dream
pɹɪmʔ ['pɹɪm.ʔ] n noun
pifɛr ['pi.fɛr] n cilantro (herb)
pil- de-, to undo (Ev only)
pikan [pi.'kan] n pine needle
prijo ['prij.o] adv forever (personal only; esp. common in endearments)
pjɐnɑlɑjkɑ [pjɐ.nɑ.'lɑj.kɑ] n Gallifreyan instrument
pjɑd [pjɑd] n jade
pɪdro ['pɪ] n history
pɪdroli [pɪ.'] adj historical
pɪdronoʔli [pɪ.dro.'noʔ.li] adj intrahistorical (Gallifreyan term)
pɪdrosoʔli [pɪ.dro.'soʔ.li] adj interhistorical (Gallifreyan term)
ɬap' [ɬap'] v to come (in a time-traveling manner)
ɬɑ [ɬɑ] cardnum zero
ɬɑvɛɹ [ɬɑ.'vɛɹ] v to walk
ɬɑn [ɬɑn] v to go (in a time-traveling manner)
ɬɑk'ə ['ɬɑ.k'ə] n insult
ɬɑkow [ɬɑ.'kow] v to insult
ɬɑʔ [ɬɑʔ] n bra, corset, breast support garments (sexual slang)
ɬɑʔɬɑ [ɬɑʔ.'ɬɑ] n bra, corset, breast support garments
ɬənɪ ['ɬə.nɪ] 1adj near future 2adv later, later on
ɬəsuv [ɬə.'suv] n pommel
ɬəj [ɬəj] cardnum one hundred forty-four
ɬəjsi ['ɬə] ordnum one hundred forty fourth
ɬu [ɬu] cardnum twelve
ɬuʃ- anti-
ɬuʃɪd ['ɬu.ʃɪd] prep against (opposition)
ɬusi ['ɬ] ordnum twelfth
ɬurok' ['ɬu.rok'] n mint (herb)
ɬurɪs ['ɬur.ɪs] 1adj white 2n flower
ɬurɪsal ['ɬu.rɪ.sal] v 1to brighten 2to flower, grow
ɬuʍo ['ɬu.ʍo] n underwear, boxers
ɬɛfɪzam [ɬɛ.fɪ.'zam] v to disappear
ɬɛu [ɬɛu] cardnum one thousand seven hundred twenty-eight
ɬɛusi ['ɬɛ] ordnum one thousand seven hundred twenty-eighth
ɬɛp'- de-, to undo (Rv only)
ɬɛrɪl ['ɬɛ.rɪl] n power
ɬɛrɪli ['ɬɛ.rɪ.li] adj powerful
ɬiɬɑ ['ɬi.ɬɑ] v to laugh
ɬiɬɑli [ɬi.'ɬɑ.li] n laughter
ɬika ['ɬi.ka] n insect
ɬikaʃɔk' ['ɬi.ka.ʃɔk'] interj squirt, kiddo (little insect)
ɬihi ['ɬi.hi] n necklace
ɬɪç [ɬɪç] n neck (anat.)
dalɛ prep for the sake of, on behalf of
damis [da.'mis] v to know (facts)
dɐlɪ ['dɐ.lɪ] v to come (non-time-traveling manner)
dɐnɪk' ['dɐ.nɪk'] n muzzle (of a gun)
dɑl [dɑl] interrog what
dɑɹmosi ['dɑɹ] n air, empty space
dɑɹi ['dɑ.ɹi] adj possible (generic)
dɑɹifɛd ['dɑ.ɹi.fɛd] adj possible[object]
dɑɹidod ['dɑ.ɹi.dod] adj possible[person]
dɑɹijazu [dɑ.ɹi.'ja.zu] adj possible[action]
dɑɹijɐʔwoj [dɑ.ɹi.'jɐʔ.woj] adj possible[concept]
dəp [dəp] adj smart, clever
dəɹlɑ ['dəɹ.lɑ] adj rare
dərol ['də.rol] adv seldom, rarely
do [do] quant comparative marker (conceptual)
doθ [doθ] v to go (non-time-traveling manner)
dodag [do.'dag] n adult
dodagɐ [do.'da.gɐ] n man
dodago [do.'da.go] n woman
dodagɛ [do.'da.gɛ] n third-gender term for an adult
dodu ['do.du] n candle
donsɛjɾi [don.'sɛj.ɾi] n breast joɹk'na donsɛjɾijɪl
-dos system, method, structure
dorıʃ ['dor.ıʃ] n silk
du [du] n chest (anat.)
du poðrini [du po.'ð] n breasts
dupro [du.'pro] n entree
durən ['dur.ən] n shape (geometric)
duz [duz] adv too (excess)
duçila [du.'ç] adj thankful, grateful
duçit [du.'çit] v to thank, show gratitude
duçta ['duç.ta] interj Thanks
dɛfɑ ['dɛ.fɑ] n moral/s
dɛfɑli [dɛ.'fɑ.li] adj moral
dɛlfij ['dɛl.fij] v to mean, intend (Ev)
dɛplami [dɛ.'pla.mi] adv actually, in reality
dɛndo ['dɛ] n seventh day of Gallifreyan week (appx. Sunday)
dɛndi ['dɛn.di] interrog why
dɛrɪð ['dɛr.ɪð] n land (vs. sea)
dɛçlok ['dɛç.lok] n nation, country
dɹɛnoɹ [dɹɛ.'noɹ] n restraints
dɹɛgnup' ['dɹɛg.nup'] v to restrain, hold back
dʒaçɛn ['dʒa.çɛn] n thief
dʒəjɑltɑm [dʒə.'jɑl.tɑm] n high-power fixed computer (desktop, in-wall, etc.)
dʒodʒo ['dʒo.dʒo] interj response to a sneeze (childish)
dʒokrəs ['dʒo.krəs] adj basil (color)
dʒɛɹɑk ['dʒɛ.ɹɑk] v to join, add
dʒɛnboɹəp' [dʒɛn.'boɹ.əp'] adv especially
dʒɛrap'u [dʒɛ.'rap'.u] n outsider, one who lives off the land, "Amish"
dʒɛk [dʒɛk] v to mention, comment
dʒɪɹmɐl ['dʒɪɹ.mɐl] n 1countryside 2wilderness
dıl [dıl] adj silver (color)
dılɹi ['dıl.ɹi] n silver (metal)
dılɹil ['dıl.ɹil] adj silver, made of silver
dʔrɔb' [dʔ.'rɔb'] n brain (anat.)
dworti ['dwor.ti] 1n instrument (hand) 2adj hand (used with instruments and tools)
dɪθow [dɪ.'θow] v to threaten
dɪθɪɹ [dɪ.'θɪɹ] n threat
dɪsuʃ [dɪ.'suʃ] n sentence (of words)
dɪz [dɪz] prep from (originating)
dɪçuʃɪ [dɪ.'çu.ʃɪ] n paragraph
dӡɛbɛ ['dӡɛ.bɛ] adj equal
valɪɹ [va.'lɪɹ] n prosecutor (law) from Old High Gallifreyan "valeyard" meaning "learned court prosecutor"
varʔ- hyper-
vɑdo ['vɑ.do] adj sacred
vɑn [vɑn] n win
vɑnop' ['vɑ.nop'] v to win
vɑnowi [vɑ.'no.wi] n winner
vɑji ['vɑ.ji] interj vocative marker, Oh! (surprise)
vəlɪnt ['və.lɪnt] v to burn (purposely)
vəpluw [və.'pluw] v to vacation
vol [vol] adj platinum (color)
volɹi ['vol.ɹi] n platinum (metal)
volɹil [vol.'ɹil] adj platinum, made of
vomul [vo.'mul] n mathematics
voʃçɛ ['voʃ.çɛ] n kidneys comp. bɑ voʃçɛ
vosoɹ ['vo.soɹ] n west
vorıʃ ['vor.ıʃ] n chalcedony comp. vorıʃ oɹçi
vorıʃ oɹçi ['vor.ıʃ 'oɹ.çi] (comp. of vorıʃ, orçi) n onyx
vorıʃil [vo.rı.'ʃil] adj chalcedony, made of
vub'ɑ [vu.'b'ɑ] n emotion
vub'ɑni [vu.'b'ɑ.ni] adj emotional
vus [vus] adj few
vusgɪp' ['vus.gɪp'] adv a few times
vɛl [vɛl] n 1door, portal (between disconnected areas) 2entrance 3exit
vɛɹnəm ['vɛɹ.nəm] adj 1equilateral (math.) 2regular (referring to studies or equations with like results)
vɛnorəl ['vɛ.no.rəl] v to travel
vɛnıç ['vɛ.nıç] n doctor
vɛru ['vɛ.ru] n war vɛrkoçɛrwi
vɛruwi [vɛ.'ru.wi] n warrior
vɛrin ['vɛ.rin] n desire
vɛrkoçɛrwi [vɛr.ko.'çɛr.wi] (vɛru, k'oçɛrwi) n war criminal
vrɐtɁk ['vrɐ.tɁk] n awe
vrɑnɪm ['vrɑ.nɪm] n rosemary (herb)
vjɛri ['vjɛ.ri] v to desire, yearn for strongly
vʔka ['vʔ.ka] n wrist (anat.)
vʔkir [vʔ.'kir] n bracelet
venla ['] n justice
maɹvo ['maɹ.vo] n hilt, handle (of a knife, sword)
marɛl ['ma.rɛl] n fiancée (any gender)
marɛləb' ['ma.rɛ.ləb'] v to betroth (someone[do] to someone[ido])
marɛlɪn ['mar.ɛ.lɪn] adj engaged, betrothed
mɐlɛl ['mɐl.ɛl] n high cardinal
mɐmɪl ['mɐ.mɪl] adj minimum
mɐrwa ['mɐr.wa] n improvisation
mɐrwa kɪbɪṱ ['mɐr.wa 'kɪ.bɪṱ] n 1lit. "banana improvisation" 2to pull a MacGyver
mɐrwanow ['mɐ] v to improvise
mɐhɛm ['mɐ.hɛm] n destiny
mɐhju [mɐ.'hju] n spark
mɑ [mɑ] cardnum seven
mɑɹhow ['mɑɹ.how] v to joke
mɑɹhbın ['mɑɹ.hbın] n joke
mɑsi ['mɑ.si] ordnum seventh
məp' [məp'] n beauty
mɔhum [mɔ.'hum] n child
mɔhɛnɛ [mɔ.'hɛ.nɛ] n 1childish love, puppy love 2crush
-mo proper noun marker
mosi ['] interj Please
mojɑ ['mo.jɑ] interj vocative marker, Oh! (understanding, realization)
muma ['] adj 1retro 2out-of-time
musok ['mu.sok] n substitute term for a high ruler not of Gallifrey (king, emperor, etc.)
mɛf [mɛf] conn but (however, nevertheless [dep. clauses only])
mɛlɔm ['mɛl.ɔm] adj nervous, anxious
mɛlɛha ['mɛ.lɛ.ha] adj untempered
mɛli(j)- turns verb into noun (non-gerund)
mɛlisɔd [mɛ.li.'sɔd] n fool, idiot
mɛpəl [mɛ.'pəl] v to correct, put to rights
mɛsɛɹ [mɛ.'sɛɹ] n farm
mɛsɛnɛw ['mɛ.sɛ.nɛw] v to farm
mɛjn [mɛjn] interrog how (+ adj.)
miçəm [mi.'çəm] n cardinal (gov't)
miçəmɔh [mi.'çə.mɔh] n junior cardinal
miçəmzav ['mi.çəm.zav] n under cardinal
mijɑɹd [mi.'jɑɹd] n family (chosen)
mijɑɹdɛnɛt [mi.'jɑɹ.dɛ.nɛt] n chosen-family love
mijɑɹdɛnɛtol [mi.jɑɹ.'dɛ.nɛ.tol] v to love as family (Ev)
mıθrə ['mıθ.rə] n rust
-mıri- extra-, outside, beyond
mıriṱwɪzni [mı.ri.'ṱwɪ] adj extrasensory
mɪf [mɪf] interj yes (opposite of no)
mɪflɪt̪ ['mɪf.lɪt̪] adv very, so
mɪtʔan [mɪt.'ʔan] n candy or other unhealthy snacks
mɪtha [mɪt.'ha] n fabric
b'akul [b'a.'kul] v to digest (food) b’akuhiz
b'ɐrk'o ['b'ɐr.k'o] n forest
b'ɑz [b'ɑz] adv until
b'oro [b'.'] n evergreen, pine tree
b'ɛlk'u ['b'ɛl.k'u] n shrub, bush
b'tɪv [b't.'ɪv] n drink (non-alcoholic)
b'tɪvow ['b'tɪ.vow] v to drink
b'ra [b'ra] n god, deity
b'z [b'z] v to ask
b'ӡalo [b'.'ӡa.lo] n question
b'ӡaloɹ [b'ӡa.'loɹ] v to question
b’akuhiz ['b’a.ku.hiz] (b'akul, hiz) n digestive system
b’i [b’i] prep by, near
b’ʒaʃɛn ['b’ʒa.ʃɛn] 1adj unknown sexuality 2n unknown sexuality
b’ʒajɛnɛ [b’.'ʒa.jɛ.nɛ] 1n questioning romanticism 2adj questioning romanticism
barajmən [ba.'raj.mən] v to try, attempt
bahrug ['bah.rug] n nut (food)
bɐldoɹ ['bɐl.doɹ] adv usually
bɐlɛnə [bɐ.'lɛ.nə] n endeavor
bɐbṱi ['bɐb.ṱi] v to doodle, draw haphazardly
bɐṱɪb' ['bɐ.ṱɪb'] n doodle, drawing
bɑ [bɑ] cardnum one comp. bɑ lɑçɑri , comp. bɑ voʃçɛ , comp. bɑ ṱɔθçɛ , comp. bɑ imari , bɑ ʍɪnta
bɑ fɑdogri [bɑ fɑ.'do.gri] n one twin
bɑ lɑdogri [bɑ lɑ.'do.gri] n one triplet
bɑ lɑçɑri [bɑ lɑ.'çɑ.ri] (comp. of bɑ, lɑçɑɾi) n one lung
bɑ voʃçɛ [bɑ 'voʃ.çɛ] (comp. of bɑ, voʃçɛ) n one kidney
bɑ ṱɔθçɛ [bɑ 'ṱɔθ.çɛ] (comp. of bɑ, ṱɔθçɛ) n one eye
bɑ imari [bɑ i.'ma.ri] (comp. of bɑ, imari) n one ear
bɑ tɑlçɛ [bɑ 'tɑl.çɛ] n a part of a salad (usually the leafy greens, but any one part)
bɑ nɪltçɛ [bɑ 'nɪlt.çɛ] n one bead
bɑ suwɪɹçɛ [bɑ su.'wɪɹ.çɛ] n single heart
bɑ srosɪ [bɑ 'sro.sɪ] n one tongue
bɑ ʍɪnta [bɑ 'ʍɪn.ta] (bɑ, ʍɪnta) n one tooth
bɑ gjəli [bɑ 'gjə.li] n clothing (article of)
bɑmi ['bɑ.mi] adv only
bɑnok ['bɑ.nok] adv once
bɑni ['bɑ.ni] interj endearing term, "Honey" "Sweetheart"
bɑni bani ['bɑ.ni '] interj calming words, "Aw..." "There, there..."
bɑsi ['bɑ.si] ordnum first
bɑku [bɑ.'ku] n lake
bəro ['bə.ro] dem that
bɔkəmɔr ['bɔ.kə.mɔr] adj candied
bonɔg ['bo.nɔg] n fly
bornus [bor.'nus] n lieutenant, commander, right-hand man
buʃro ['buʃ.ro] n spirit, ghost, phantom
bɛl [bɛl] n the shimmer around a raindrop
bɛləm ['bɛ.ləm] adj red
bɛʃtin ['bɛ.ʃtin] n Gallifreyan unit of time measuring about 6341 years
bɛjl [bɛjl] n page
bɛjtam ['bɛj.tam] v to can or preserve foods
binɁ [binɁ] n origin of conceptual or living things
bıdəgıd [bı.'də.gıd] v to blink
bɪð [bɪð] prep down (direction)
bɪt̪ [bɪt̪] prep through
bɪhub ['bɪ.hub] adj bottom (physical [as compared to "bottom" of the hour])
ɛθl(o)- un-, dis-, the opposite of (adj afx)
ɛf [ɛf] 1pro you (inf., pl) 2adv always
ɛfo ['ɛ.fo] interj no (not yes)
ɛfo dalɛ ['ɛ.fo 'da.lɛ] conn in spite of
ɛlθi ['ɛl.θi] prep before (a changeable event ["normal" before])
ɛləvɪʒ ['ɛ.lə.vɪʒ] v 1to reach out 2to bridge
-ɛdɛm suffix denoting a period of time in one's life (childhood, teenhood, etc)
ɛv [ɛv] pro he, she, it (TL)
ɛva ['ɛ.va] pro they (TL, dual)
ɛvuw [ɛ.'vuw] v 1to throw 2to cast (dice, fishing line, etc.)
ɛvɹilak ['ɛv.ɹi.lak] v to remember
ɛmbi ['ɛ] v to touch (physical, emotional) (Rv, Ev)
ɛmṱwi ['ɛm.ṱwi] n sense of touch
ɛmil [ɛ.'mil] n ruler, measuring tool
ɛb [ɛb] pro he, she, it (non-TL)
ɛba ['ɛ.ba] pro they (non-TL, dual)
ɛna ['ɛ.na] prep with, by means of
ɛnoçəm ['ɛ.no.çəm] adj yellow
ɛnubɑ [ɛ.'nu.bɑ] n vehicle for mass-transportation (subway, bus, etc.)
ɛnɛ ['ɛ.nɛ] n romantic attraction
-ɛnɛ- affix referring to romantic love
ɛnɛt ['ɛ.nɛt] v to love (Ev)
ɛs [ɛs] pro you (inf., dual)
ɛsodoṱ ['ɛ.so.doṱ] v to exist
ɛsodowi [ɛ.so.'do.wi] n being
ɛrboʃɛm ['ɛʃɛm] adj forbidden
ɛrbotɑ [ɛr.'bo.tɑ] v to forbid
ɛrɛnko [ɛ.'rɛn.ko] n 1sound 2beat
ɛrzɪm ['ɛr.zɪm] n declaration, principles, creed
ɛrɪz ['ɛr.ɪz] n group, society, guild
ɛjvısʒi [ɛj.'vıs.ʒi] adj sad
ɛjçor [ɛj.'çor] v 1to build 2to construct
ɛjçowi [ɛj.'ço.wi] n architect
ɛjçul [ɛj.çul] n 1building 2construction
ɛjgɛl ['ɛj.gɛl] n house
ɛk [ɛk] conn and
ɛhud [ɛ.'hud] n rain
ɛw [ɛw] pro you (inf., sing.)
ɛwowɛj [ɛ.'wo.wɛj] v to soak (ie. dishes)
ɹalɪsə ['ɹa.lɪ.sə] v to sympathize (Ev)
ɹavoɹ [ɹa.'voɹ] interj holy (defam./casual [Holy cow!])
-ɹaz post- (changeable, abstract)
ɹagaɹ [ɹa.'gaɹ] v to draw
ɹagan [ɹa.'gan] n drawing
ɹɐdəva [ɹɐ.'də.va] n holiday, break, vacation
ɹɑtruz ['ɹɑt.ruz] adj maximum
ɹəθ [ɹəθ] n territory, zone
ɹəl [ɹəl] n mountain
ɹop [ɹop] n tip, point (of a blade)
ɹonɛjɪs [ɹo.'nɛj.ɪs] adj good, well (as a description of well-being)
ɹosrə ['ɹos.rə] v to interpret
ɹorıl ['ɹo.rıl] adj 1ethereal 2unsubstantional
ɹogɔn [ɹo.'gɔn] n flag
ɹogon ['ɹo.gon] n ocean
ɹuðz [ɹuðz] v to teach
ɹuðzwi ['ɹuð.zwi] n teacher
ɹulahɪ [ɹu.'la.hɪ] interrog which
ɹupɑç ['ɹu.pɑç] v to park
ɹudop' ['ɹu.dop'] n cold
ɹudow ['ɹu.dow] v to freeze
ɹumɑs ['ɹu.mɑs] adj some
ɹumɑgɪp' ['ɹu.mɑ.gɪp'] adv sometimes
ɹuba ['ɹ] 1adv might 2interj maybe
ɹuthɪz ['ɹut.hɪz] n bride
ɹuzus ['ɹu.zus] v to sprint
ɹuʒɑlnom [ɹu.'ʒɑl.nom] adj cursed
ɹuʒəjɑltɑm [ɹu.ʒə.'jɑl.tɑm] n high-power mobile computer (laptop, netbook, etc.)
ɹuʒsɑl ['ɹuʒ.sɑl] n curse, hex
ɹuʒsɑlop' ['ɹuʒ.sɑ.lop'] v to curse, put a hex on
ɹuçar [ɹu.'çar] n hour, unit of time (varies depending on location)
ɹuk'i ['ɹu.k'i] n city
ɹuʍɑn [ɹu.'ʍɑn] n distance
ɹuha ['ɹu.ha] adj small
ɹuhɪb' ['ɹu.hɪb'] adj ambiguous (within a type)
ɹɛɬ [ɹɛɬ] n boundary, border
ɹɛnoso [ɹɛ.'] n southwest
ɹɛnor [ɹɛ.'nor] adj distant, later future
ɹɛnuʃɔ [ɹɛ.'nu.ʃɔ] n southeast
ɹɛndəʒ ['ɹɛn.dəʒ] bug, error
ɹɛnɛ ['ɹɛ.nɛ] n south
ɹɛntəb' ['ɹɛn.təb'] v to try (a case), bring to trial (law)
ɹɛntɛ ['ɹɛn.tɛ] n trial (law)
ɹɛzdɪk' ['ɹɛz.dɪk'] n judge (law)
ɹɛzɪd ['ɹɛ.zɪd] v 1to judge (law) 2to pass a sentence (law)
ɹɛwoɹɪt [ɹɛ.'wo.ɹɪt] n job, occupation
ɹɛwortap [ɹɛ.'wor.tap] v to work (occupation)
ɹɛworwi [ɹɛ.'wor.wi] n worker
ɹip' [ɹip'] n metal
ɹip’il [ɹi.'p’il] adj metal, made of metal
ɹipol [ɹi.'pol] adj metallic, having metallic properties
ɹimɑ ['ɹi.mɑ] n 1door (bewteen connected areas) 2entrance 3exit
ɹik’a ['ɹi.k’a] prt when/where
ɹıʃot [ɹı.'ʃot] n quartz comp. ɹɪʃot ṱoṱowəm , ṱoṱowəm ɹɪʃot
ɹıʃotil [ɹı.'ʃo.til] adj quartz, made of quartz
ɹıṱi ['ɹı.ṱi] n ability
ɹɪvən ['ɹɪ.vən] adj brown
ɹɪbɑ ['ɹɪ.bɑ] n food, anything eaten for nutrition or sustenance
ɹɪbɑsoɹ ['ɹɪ.bɑ.soɹ] adj edible
ɹɪʃot ṱoṱowəm [ɹɪ.'ʃot ṱo.'ṱo.wəm] (comp. of ɹıʃot, ṱoṱowəm) n amethyst
ɹɪʍa ['ɹɪ.ʍa] n someone who really needs a good thrashing, a face badly in need of a fist
ʃɐlɛk ['ʃɐ.lɛk] n one who can impregnate another
ʃɑtɛlɛjn [ʃɑ.tɛ.'lɛjn] n ruler of a Caretaker House
ʃɑrɪk’ ['ʃɑ.rɪk’] v to force
ʃfalɛṱ ['ʃfa.lɛṱ] whether
ʃəlɛk ['ʃə.lɛk] n mind, mentality, state of mind
ʃəlnod ['ʃəl.nod] n telepathy (sense only)
ʃəlnodəb' [ʃə'dəb'] v to sense, feel (telepathic)
ʃəlnoṱwɪ [ʃəl.'no.ṱwɪ] adj telepathic (sense only)
ʃəlnorıṱ [ʃəl.'nor.ıṱ] adj 1telepathic (referring to a person being telepathic) 2telepathy (referring to a person's telepathic abilities)
ʃɔm [ʃɔm] v to lie (down)
-ʃɔk' suffix indicating a smaller or miniature version ðɹɑk'ʃɔk' , obɪkʃɔk' , p'anəṱʃɔk' , ʔlk'ʃɔk'
ʃofoɹ [ʃo.'foɹ] n blasphemy
ʃofow [ʃo.'fow] v to blaspheme
ʃoləm ['ʃo.ləm] adj pink
ʃobogən [ʃo.'bo.gən] interj term for Time Lord dropouts who live in Low Town (used by the Gallifreyan elite)
ʃoʃok ['ʃo.ʃok] adv there (time and place)
ʃoʃokuruʃ [ʃo.ʃo.'ku.ruʃ] adv here and there
ʃoʃi ['ʃo.ʃi] dem there (time)
ʃonɪp' ['ʃo.nɪp'] n evening
ʃudon ['ʃu.don] v to leave (non-time-traveling manner)
ʃuzut ['ʃu.zut] n adverb
ʃmolnıʃ ['ʃmol.nıʃ] adj wild
ʃɛlju [ʃɛl.'ju] interj response to a cough (quick, informal)
ʃɛn [ʃɛn] n sexual attraction
-ʃɛn sexual
ʃɛnuk' [ʃɛ.'nuk'] n cookie
ʃilɔ ['ʃi.lɔ] n bow tie
ʃtin [ʃtin] n Gallifreyan unit of time measuring about 6.3 years
ʃtino ['ʃ] n Gallifreyan unit of time measuring about .2 seconds
ʃtinbə ['ʃtin.bə] n Gallifreyan unit of time measuring about 23 days
ʃtinbɛ ['ʃtin.bɛ] n Gallifreyan unit of time measuring about 2.3 days
ʃtinju ['ʃtin.ju] n Gallifreyan unit of time measuring about 200 seconds
ʃjɪɹ [ʃjɪɹ] prep from (direction)
ʃjɪnʔ [ʃjɪnʔ] prep from among
ʃım [ʃım] n necktie
ʃızo [ʃı.'zo] adj bad
ʃızoʒ [ʃı.'zoʒ] adj vague
ʃıʒ- dys- (impaired, bad, abnormal)
ʃıʒklɑsɔm [ʃıʒ.klɑ.'sɔm] n dyslexia
ʃıʒklɑsɔni [ʃıʒ.klɑ.'sɔ.ni] adj dyslexic
ʃɪlɔm [ʃɪ.'lɔm] v to see
ʃɪlɔṱwi [ʃɪ.'lɔ.ṱwi] n sense of sight
ʃɪsun [ʃɪ.'sun] n direction
ʃɁmoθ ['ʃɁ.moθ] n tree
ʃɁɹpɪ [ʃɁ.'ɹpɪ] n alcoholic, drunkard
ʃɁʃɁ [ʃɁ.ʃɁ] 1n inebriation 2adj inebriated 3n oral sex (slang)
ṱaz [ṱaz] n creation
ṱazow ['ṱaz.ow] v 1to create 2to invent (physical)
ṱakmos ['ṱak.mos] n interruption
ṱakmow ['ṱak.mow] v to interrupt
ṱɐlif ['ṱɐ.lif] n attic
ṱɐboɹ [ṱɐ.'boɹ] v to sing
ṱɐbowi [ṱɐ.'bo.wi] n singer
ṱɐnop' ['ṱɐ.nop'] v to explain
ṱɐnopob ['ṱɐ.no.pob] n explanation
ṱɐrzɛl [ṱɐr.'zɛl] n fool dance, a dance without steps or rhythm
ṱɐrɪʃ ['ṱɐr.ɪʃ] n storm kriṱɐʃ
ṱɑla ['ṱɑ.la] n planet, world
ṱəblijoɹ ['ṱəɹ] n gambling
ṱəblijow ['ṱə] v 1to gamble 2to bet on
ṱɔθçɛ ['ṱɔθ.çɛ] n eyes comp. bɑ ṱɔθçɛ
ṱoṱowəm [ṱo.'ṱo.wəm] adj purple comp. ɹɪʃot ṱoṱowəm , ṱoṱowəm ɹɪʃot
ṱoṱowəm ɹɪʃot [ṱo.'ṱo.wəm ɹɪ.'ʃot] (ṱoṱowəm, ɹıʃot) adj amethyst, made of
ṱorɪd ['ṱor.ɪd] n rear sight (on a gun)
ṱorɪm ['ṱo.rɪm] n front sight (on a gun)
ṱoʒonow ['ṱoʒ] v to discipline
ṱoʒos ['ṱo.ʒos] n discipline
ṱup [ṱup] n enigma
ṱuʃup’ ['ṱuʃ.up’] n liver (anat.)
ṱuz [ṱuz] prt emphatic particle for verbs forced into other tenses
ṱɛndaɹk ['ɛn.daɹk] n sixth day of Gallifreyan week (appx. Saturday)
ṱɛsɑn ['ṱɛ.sɑn] n stage (theater)
ṱɛsɑnɐdʒo [ṱɛ.sɑ.'nɐ.dʒo] n stage right
ṱɛsɑnɛθɛ [ṱɛ.sɑ.'nɛ.θɛ] n stage left
ṱɛsɑniʒ [ṱɛ.sɑ.'niʒ] n offstage
ṱɛzɛṱ ['ṱɛ.zɛṱ] adj last (ever), final
ṱıʃ [ṱıʃ] n a pair or set of gloves (pl. ṱıʃçɛ)
ṱwɪz [ṱwɪz] n sense, sensation (physical)
ṱwɪzow [ṱwɪ.'zow] v to sense, feel (physical)
ṱɪθobɑn [ṱɪ.'θo.bɑn] n logical theory
ṱɪθobɑni [ṱɪ.'θo.bɑ.ni ] adj theoretical
ṱɪθobɛn [ṱɪ.'θo.bɛn] n logical hypothesis
ṱɪθobɛnow [ṱɪ.'θo.bɛ.now] v to hypothesize
ṱɪθɛn ['ṱɪ.θɛn] n logic, line of reasoning
ṱɪθɛnow ['ṱɪ.θɛ.now] v to reason with
ṱɪθɛni [ṱɪ.'θɛ.ni ] adj logical
ṱɪmɔp' [ṱɪ.'mɔp'] n chemistry
ṱɪʃoboɹ [ṱɪ.'ʃo.boɹ] n logical law, rule of logic
ip'θɛsɑn [ip'.'θɛ.sɑn] n cross-stage (down- to up-)
ip'ɪṱsɑn [i.'p'ɪṱ.sɑn] n cross-stage (up- to down-)
ip’ [ip’] prep 1over 2across
ipot [i.'pot] n mouth (sexual)
iposɑ [i.'po.sɑ] n reply, answer
imari [i.'ma.ri] n ears comp. bɑ imari
imɪk' ['i.mɪk'] n magazine, clip (of a gun)
iʃəɹ [i.'ʃəɹ] n sage (herb)
isɔndɹə [i.'sɔn.dɹə] n braggadocio, braggart
isɔndɹənol [i.'sɔn.dɹə.nol] n braggadocio, the trait of one who is a braggart
isimi [i.'si.mi] v to play (a game)
isɪmiɹ [i.sɪ.'miɹ] n game
irɛl [ir.'ɛl] n sand irɛvəni
irɛvəni [i.rɛ.'və.ni] (irɛl, jivəni) n sand dune
irɛhɑtɛv [i.rɛ.'hɑ.tɛv] 1n glass 2adj glass
iʒu ['i.ʒu] interj polite address (sir, ma'am)
içar [i.çar] n diamond
içaril [i.'ç] adj diamond, made of diamonds
ik'ɔθɪd [i.'k'ɔ.θɪd] n upstairs
ik'tɛsɑn ['ik'.tɛs.ɑn] n onstage
ik'ɪl ['ik'.ɪl] prep 1above 2on
iha ['i.ha] prt let's
ihu ['] n agency, organization
ihuwi [i.'hu.wi] n agent
talṱɔ ['tal.ṱɔ] adj dead
talṱɔgəb’ ['tal.ṱɔ.gəb’] v to die
talija [ta.'li.ja] n gem, gemstone
tap'hil ['tap'.hil] adj liquid
taʍan [ta.'ʍan] n alien, foreigner (intraplanetary)
tɐrzəl ['tɐr.zəl] n the ceremonial headdress worn by those in government
tɑ [tɑ] cardnum nine
tɑl [tɑl] 1adj new 2n leaf (of a plant)
tɑlçɛ ['tɑl.çɛ] n salad
tɑnɑmɑl [tɑ.nɑ.'mɑl] v to breathe (Ev)
tɑsi ['tɑ.si] ordnum ninth
tɑrɑn [tɑ.'rɑn] adj taranium-colored
tɑrɑnri [tɑ.'rɑn.ri] n taranium
tɑrɑnril [tɑ.'rɑ] adj taranium, made of taranium
tɑkin [tɑ.'kin] v to say
tɑwoɹz [tɑ.'woɹz] n discrimination (individual)
tɑworiz [tɑ.'wor.iz] n discrimination (systematic)
tɑwrɛz ['tɑw.rɛz] v to discriminate against
təlmɑ ['təl.mɑ] adj semi-ancient
təlja ['təl.ja] n dress
tom [tom] adj bronze (color)
tomɹi ['tom.ɹi] n bronze (metal)
tomɹil ['tom.ɹil] adj bronze, made of bronze
tomsɛn ['tom.sɛn] n atmosphere (of a place, event, etc)
tobsɑn ['tob.sɑn] v to arrive (in a time-traveling manner)
tonɪn ['to.nɪn] n trigger (of a gun)
tosun [to.'sun] v to begin (Rv, Ev)
tosunaw ['] n origin of geographic or cosmic things
towa ['to.wa] conn that
towɛn ['to.wɛn] n spice (cooking)
towɛnow ['to.wɛ.now] v to spice, add spices
towɛni [to.'wɛ.ni] adj spicy
tul [tul] n shirt
tɛlızıʃ [tɛ.lı.zıʃ] 1adv tomorrow (as relating to the current day) 2n future
tɛlızıs [tɛ.'lı.zıs] 1adv tomorrow (as relating to the speaker) 2n future
tɛlık’ ['tɛ.lık’] adj next (the next thing)
tɛnɐjm ['tɛ.nɐjm] v to air, broadcast
tɛrsɑt ['tɛr.sɑt] v to witness (an event)
tɛrsɑwi [tɛr.'sɑ.wi] n witness (of an event)
tɹɛvɑli [tɹɛ.'vɑ.li] n light, shine
tɹɛvɑlijon [tɹɛ.'vɑ.li.jon] adj alight
tɹɛvɑligəb [tɹɛ.'vɑ.li.gəb] v to light, shine
tʃɐli ['tʃɐ.li] n meat (food)
tʃɐʒɪɹɛj ['tʃɐ.ʒɪ.ɹɛj] v 1to clump together 2to stuff
tʃɐwmɑçi [tʃɐw.'mɑ.çi] n cloud
tʃomʔi ['tʃom.ʔi] n second day of Gallifreyan week (appx. Tuesday)
tʃuʔ [tʃuʔ] n 1assistance 2mouth
tʃuʔgəb ['tʃuʔ.gəb] v 1to word (Rv) 2to support (someone)
tʃɛlkoɾ ['tʃɛl.koɾ] adj awesome (slang)
tʃɛmtʃɛm [tʃɛm.tʃɛm] n candy, sweets (slang)
-ti turns numbers into regular adjectives (1-single; 2-double) suʍɑhiz fɑti
tisib' ['ti.sib'] v 1to wash 2to scrub
troʃ [troʃ] n abdomen
tʍɑlɛmo ['tʍɑ.lɛ.mo] adv alone
tɪkɪpɪd [tɪ.'kɪ.pɪd] v to annoy
nali ['] v to finish (Rv, Ev)
nalipo [na.'li.po] n end, finish
naliʒɑ [na.'li.ʒɑ] n finish line
narik ['nar.ik] n berry
nɑ [nɑ] cardnum eight
nɑsi ['nɑ.si] ordnum eighth
nɑrik ['nɑ.rik] n poison
nɑrikil [nɑ.ri.'kil] adj poisonous
nɑçin [nɑ.'çin] n Gallifreyan Cycle, measures about 23 years
nəfon ['nə.fon] adv no (before n.), none, not (before adj., n.)
nəku [nə.'ku] n cake
nɔm [nɔm] prep about (concerning)
nofiɹ ['no.fiɹ] v to be located
nofɪl ['no.fɪl] n location
nonapik' [''] n tragedy
nor [nor] conn or
norun ['] n path
norɛṱ ['nor.ɛṱ] adj ancient
nori...nori... ['no.ri 'no.ri] conn either...or...
noçɛn ['no.çɛn] adj innocent (of a crime)
nok’zi ['nok’.zi] adv daily
-noʔ- intra-
-now turns adj/noun into a verb
nulal ['nu.lal] v to glow
nudəb' [nu.'dəb'] v to add
nudor [nu.'dor] n addition
nudow [nu.'dow] v to subtract
nubɑ ['nu.bɑ] n vehicle for mid-size transportation (car, minivan, etc.)
nubɑs ['nu.bɑs] n vehicle for single transportation (bike, scooter, etc.)
nunavi [nu.'] adj trustworthy
nunat ['nu.nat] v to trust
nunʃɛn ['nun.ʃɛn] 1adj demisexual 2n demisexual 3n demisexuality
nuzoɹ ['nu.zoɹ] n room
nuzna [nuz.'na] n place
nuʒ [nuʒ] adv too, also (subject)
nɛθɛ ['nɛ.θɛ] adj left (direction)
nɛtɐp [nɛ.'tɐp] n castellan
nɛto ['nɛ.to] prep up (direction)
nɛʒil [nɛ.'ʒil] adj gray
nɛçpɑn ['nɛç.pɑn] n project, undertaking
nɛçpɑnow ['nɛç.pɑ.now] v to undertake (a project)
nɛçɛṱ [nɛ.'çɛṱ] adj green
nɛjɪlɪg ['nɛ.jɪ.lɪg] v to book, reserve
-ni turns noun into adjective
nilal [ni.'lal] n harmony, peace, settling of inner turmoil
niʒ [niʒ] n side (of a shape, building, etc.)
njɛm [njɛm] 1interrog how (+ verb) 2interj how 3interj what 4interj why
njɛmli ['njɛ] pro somehow
njɛmp'ima ['njɛm.p'] n adjective being used as an adverb
nılɛv ['nı.lɛv] adj free (not bound)
nıpiṱo [nı.'pi.ṱo] adj exuberant
nʔdo ['nʔ.do] prep between, among (move among)
nɪlt [nɪlt] n beading
nɪltçɛ ['nɪlt.çɛ] n beads
nɪrɑ ['nɪ.rɑ] n corner (inside)
nɪjotɛs [nɪ.'jo.tɛs] v to ensure
sav [sav] prep after (abstract; referring to events that may have been changed)
sɐlɔɾi [sɐ.'lɔ.ɾi] n rose (pl. sɐlɔɾiç)
sɐɬ [sɐɬ] n oil (coming from food) lɐçuɹ sɐɬli
sɐrtɪʒən ['sɐr.tɪ.ʒən] n bug, illness (referring to the sickness itself)
sɑ [sɑ] cardnum four
sɑθulʃ [sɑ.'θulʃ] n rectangle
sɑθulniʒ [sɑ.'θul.niʒ] n square
sɑbon [sɑ.'bon] n survival
sɑbonəb' [sɑ.'bo.nəb'] v to survive
sɑbonwi [sɑ.'bon.wi] n survivor
sɑʃan [sɑ.'ʃan] v to leave (in a time-traveling manner)
sɑn [sɑn] v 1to become 2to turn into
sɑn k'uhɑɹ ['sɑn 'k'u.hɑɹ] v to fall asleep
sɑn kodəɹ ['sɑn ko.'dəɹ] v to wake up
sɑniʒ [sɑ.'niʒ] n four-sided shape
sɑsi ['sɑ.si] ordnum fourth
sɑgmɪli [sɑg.'mɪ.li] adj government(al)
sɑgmɪɹ ['sɑg.mɪɹ] n government
sɑgnəmiç [sɑg.nə.'miç] n chapter cardinal
sɑgnəruk ['sɑg.nə.ruk] n politics
sɑgnərni [sɑg.'nə] adj political
sɑgnəçəf ['sɑg.nə.çəf] n political party
sɑgnɛn ['sɑg.nɛn] v to govern
sfɔʃ [sfɔʃ] interj "Psh!" "Pish-posh!" "Nonsense!"
səri ['sə.ri] v to begin (Rv, Ev)
slozij ['slo.zij] v to quit
-soɹ- -able, -ible
soɹsɪn ['soɹ.sɪn] v to be sorry
sonɑsɑg ['so.nɑ.sɑg] n council or specific group among politics (not political party)
sonɑsɑg ɔzuk' [so.nɑ.'sɑg ɔ.'zuk'] n high council
sorɛl ['sor.ɛl] v to want
sorıl ['sor.ıl] v to be able to, can (Ev)
sojɪp' ['so.jɪp'] adj old (age)
-soʔ- inter-
soʔdɛçlokni [soʔ.dɛç.'] adj international
soharɪd [so.'har.ɪd] n desert
suθa ['su.θa] n coat, jacket
sulri ['sul.ri] adj semi-distant future
sum [sum] interj vocative marker, Oh! (pleasantry, casual)
suṱ [suṱ] n idiom, expression
-sun -wards, in that general direction
suçɪʃ [su.'çɪʃ] v "There is..."
suji ['su.ji] n dress pants, slacks
suk'ro ['suk'.ro] n leaf (of a tree)
suk’zıʃ ['suk’.zıʃ] 1adv yesterday (relating to the current day) 2n past
suk’zıs ['suk’.zıs] 1adv yesterday (as relating to the speaker) 2n past
sukəm ['su.kəm] adj previous
suʍɑhiz fɑti ['su.ʍɑ.hiz 'fɑ.ti] (suwɪɹçɛ, hiz, fɑ, -ti) n binary vascular system
suwɪɹçɛ [su.'wɪɹ.çɛ] n heart suʍɑhiz fɑti
suwɪɹçɛnɛt [su.'wɪɹ.çɛ.nɛt] n two-hearted/romantic love
suwɪɹçɛnɛtol [su.wɪɹ.'çɛ.nɛ.tol] v to love romantically (Ev)
spɛdɪg ['spɛ.dɪg] n friend
sɛlta ['sɛl.ta] n fourth day of Gallifreyan week (appx. Thursday)
sɛɹ [sɛɹ] v to lie (to someone)
sɛrɑh ['sɛ.rɑ] v to barely touch, glide over, brush
sɛçp'oṱ ['sɛç.p'oṱ] v to reply, answer (conversationally)
sɛçpo ['sɛç.po] n reply, answer
sɛkuz [sɛ.'kuz] adj zealous
sɛɾuz ['sɛ.ɾuz] n lie (not truth)
sṱɐnʃɛn ['sṱɐn.ʃɛn] adj big, burly, sturdy, solid (body type)
-si makes numbers ordinal (1st, 2nd...)
sisi ['] interj 1"Eeee!" similar to a fangirl exclamation 2yes (response to address)
sijsa ['] n shadow
stɛlənd ['stɛ.lənd] n a certain sickness, similar to a cold
stɛjzɑ ['stɛj.zɑ] interj profane term
sno- group of, herd of, clump of, etc.
snopu ['sno.pu] n group, clump, herd (naturally-occuring)
snoçɔm [sno.'çɔm] n constellation
snɪv [snɪv] v to taste
snɪṱwi [snɪ.'ṱwi] n sense of taste
srosɪ ['sro.sɪ] n tongue (set of)
-sruwa- study of (-ology)
sruwaʃəlɛk [sru.wa.'ʃə.lɛk] n psychology
sruwaʃəlɛkni [sru.wa.ʃə.'lɛ] adj psychological
sruwaʃəlɛkwi [sru.wa.ʃə.'lɛk.wi] n psychologist
sruwaçɔsɪp [sru.wa.'çɔ.sɪp] n astronomy
sruwaçɔsɪwi [sru.wa.'çɔ.sɪ.wi] n astronomer
sıpɑjn [sı.'pɑjn] n sky, heavens, outer space (outside planetary atmosphere)
sıwa ['sı.wa] n fish
sɪɹpi ['sɪɹ.pi] n alcohol (coll., referring to a drink or substance)
sɪz [sɪz] prep under
sɪçorə [sɪ.'ço.rə] 1adj random 2n lottery
sɪjsɑ ['sɪj.sɑ] n arrangement (flowers or dinner setting)
sɪjsɑnow ['sɪj.sɑ.now] v to arrange (flowers, etc.)
sɪjwadɛhu [sɪj.wa.'dɛ.hu] n guard (pl. or org.)
sɪk [sɪk] n 1clump 2stuff
sɪkɑz [sɪ.'kɑz] n courtroom (law)
sɪgmohil [sɪ'hil] adj victorious
sɪgmohɪ [sɪg.'mo.hɪ] n victory
sɪgmowi [sɪg.'mo.wi ] n victor
ravro ['] adj holy (reverent)
roʃ [roʃ] n 1the universe 2everything
riʃɑɹ [ri.'ʃɑɹ] n ruler, one who rules
-zav step down in similar rank/type
zak'ɑ [za.'k'ɑ] n season (planetary)
zɑnɪ ['zɑ.nɪ] v to eat
zɑʔuðiʃ [zɑʔ.'uð.iʃ] n nameday (Time Lords only)
zɑʔslɪ ['zɑ.ʔ.slɪ] n name
zɑʔziʃ ['zɑʔ.ziʃ] n nameday
zəfɑɹ [zə.'fɑɹ] n rug
zəmon ['zə.mon] v to rot, decay
-zəɹ- self- afx zəɹhɑrim
zəɹhɑrim [zəɹ.'hɑ.rim] (-zəɹ-, hɑrim) adj self-obsessed
zəng [zəng] n physics
zoma ['] n ruby
zomajil ['jil] adj ruby, made of rubies
zos [zos] prt must
zoruk ['] n alien (interplanetary, intergalactic)
zoʒɪm ['zo.ʒɪm] v to mean, convey, signify (Ev, Rv)
zunjonow ['] v to stop
zunɪ ['zu.nɪ] n 1mist 2fog
zur [zur] prep below
zurɔθɪd [zu.'rɔ.θɪd] n downstairs
zɛmno ['zɛ] n rot, decay
zɛrɑfɑ [zɛ.'rɑ.fɑ] n garden
zɛjɹd [zɛjɹd] v to learn (Ev)
zɛg [zɛg] n 1clever comeback that is too late to deliver 2to think of something clever after the fact
zi [zi] prt of
ziʃi ['zi.ʃi] n day (one full calendar day)
zisi ['] n day (one full rotation of a planet etc.)
zɪfuvɑ [zɪ.'fu.vɑ] v to compete
zɪfuvɑwi [zɪ.fu.'vɑ.wi] n competitor
zɪp- co-, together, joint (Rv only)
zɪpgamot [zɪp.'ga.mot] v to meet (on purpose, scheduled)
zɪpgamwi [zɪp.'gam.wi] n one who instigates a meeting (scheduled)
zɪpgamɪt [zɪp.'ga.mɪt] n meeting (scheduled)
zɪvɑnuf [zɪ.'vɑ.nuf] n competition
ʒɐɹəb' [ʒɐ.'ɹəb'] v to sway, wave
ʒɑ [ʒɑ] cardnum six
ʒɑθulʃ [ʒɑ.'θulʃ] n hexagon
ʒɑniʒ [ʒɑ.'niʒ] n six-sided shape
ʒɑsəla [ʒɑ.'sə.la] n 1line 2tattoo
ʒɑsəlaɹ [ʒɑ.'sə.laɹ] v to tattoo
ʒɑsəlaɾoθ [ʒɑ.'sə.la.roθ] n tattooing
ʒɑsi ['ʒɑ.si] ordnum sixth
ʒəbuɹ [ʒə.buɹ] n lawyer, one who defends a party
ʒəsɔfsɛ [ʒə.'sɔf.sɛ] v to defeat
ʒəsɔʃɛs [ʒə.'sɔ.ʃɛs] n defeat
ʒəz [ʒəz] interj Gallifreyan insult (greater than mɛlisɔd)
ʒɔl [ʒɔl] adv too, also (predicate)
ʒo [ʒo] interj Ha! Aha!
ʒom [ʒom] n variable (math.)
ʒoɹk' [ʒoɹk'] adj jealous
ʒotʃ [ʒotʃ] interj response to a cough (childish)
ʒonpoɾ ['ʒon.poɾ] adj useless
ʒonpoɾnow ['ʒon.poɾ.now] v to render useless
ʒuʃoɬ [ʒu.'ʃoɬ] n book
ʒun [ʒun] prep to, toward
ʒɛp’ [ʒɛp’] n rock
ʒɛnboɹ ['ʒɛn.boɹ] adj precious, special
ʒɛnık' ['ʒɛ.nık'] n defense
ʒɛnık'ə [ʒɛ.nı.'k'ə] n defender
ʒɛnıkow ['ʒɛ.nı.kow] v to defend
ʒɛrnoɹ [ʒɛr.'noɹ] n fear
ʒɛrnowəb' ['ʒɛəb'] v to fear (something/someone)
ʒɛrgɪpow ['ʒɛr.gɪ.pow] v to experience fear, be afraid of (Ev)
ʒɛjan [ʒɛ.'jan] interj Hallelujah!
ʒjəb' [ʒjəb'] 1n belief 2v to believe in
ʒjɛ [ʒjɛ] prep by, via, following
ʒɪðɑθ [ʒɪ.'ðɑθ] v to arrive (non-time-traveling manner)
ʒɪlgɛp’ ['ʒɪl.gɛp’] n petal
çaʔulɑ [ça.'ʔu.lɑ] 1adj lacey, having lace 2adj intricate 3n doily
çɑ [çɑ] cardnum five
çɑθulʃ [çɑ.'θulʃ] n pentagon
çɑʃ [çɑʃ] adj agreeable
çɑʃoɹ [çɑ.'ʃoɹ] v to comply, acquiesce
çɑniʒ [çɑ.'niʒ] n five-sided shape
çɑsi ['çɑ.si] ordnum fifth
çɑrjɑn ['çɑr.jɑn] n swearing, foul language
çɑrjɑnow ['çɑr.jɑ.now] v to swear, curse, use foul language
-çɑz indicates the indigenous of a place (pl. -çiz)
çɑzbɑ ['çɑz.bɑ] adj native
-çɑzbɑ indicates the native of a place (pl. -çizbɑ or -çɑzbɑri)
çəf [çəf] n faction, party
çəl [çəl] n color
çəta ['çə.ta] n army
çərɛm ['çə.rɛm] n an intended favor that only causes more trouble but social obligation requires gratitude
çəʍɔ [çə.'ʍɔ] n fuel (for machines or non-living things)
çɔli ['çɔ.li] n grass
çɔm [çɔm] n star (celestial)
çorlwɛ ['çor.lwɛ] n vegetable
çorin ['ço.rin] v to know (people) (Ev)
çu [çu] prep at (a place and time)
çuvori [çu.'vor.i] n instrument (musical)
çut̪ [çut̪] interj shush, sh, hush (sharp)
çutar [çu.'tar] v to shush, silence
-çunɪ- collection (of)
çunɪd ['çu.nɪd] n collection
çunɪdəb' ['çu.nɪ.dəb'] v to collect
çunɪdwi ['çu.nɪ.dwi] n collector
çunɪʒuʃoɬ [çu.nɪ.'ʒu.ʃoɬ] n anthology
çɛsol ['çɛ.sol] n ruins
çɛsonop' ['çɛ.so.nop'] v to leave, abandon
çɛsow [çɛ.'sow] v to die out, go extinct
çɛjwoɹ [çɛj.'woɹ] v to be soaking/soaked in (a substance)
çɪrka ['çɪr.ka] n faith (not necessarily religious)
çɪrkanow ['çɪ] v to have faith in
çɪzuɹ [çɪ.'zuɹ] n grandparent (generic)
çɪzura [çɪ.'zu.ra] n grandparent (third-gender)
çɪzurə [çɪ.'zu.rə] n grandfather
çɪzurəmo [çɪ.'zu.rə.mo] nprop Grandfather (ruler/founder of Old/Newblood Houses)
çɪzuro [çɪ.'] n grandmother
çɪworp' [çɪ.'worp'] interj vworp-vworp (of Tardis engines, onomatopoeic)
jɐmni ['jɐ] interj response to a sneeze (quick, informal)
jɑnɛç ['jɑ.nɛç] v to behold
jɑnɛj [jɑ.'nɛj ] interj Behold!
jɑsɪf ['jɑ.sɪf] adj near
jɑçɑz [jɑ.'çɑz] adj indigenous
jəð [jəð] n wave (water)
jəmɪr [jə.'mɪr] n bed (to sleep on)
jəʒik' [jə.'ʒik'] adj tall
jəhu [jə.'hu] n height
joloj [jo.'loj] n morning
jomi ['jo.mi] v to fly
joɹk' [joɹk'] n milk joɹk'na donsɛjɾijɪl
joɹk'na donsɛjɾijɪl ['joɹk'.na don.'sɛj.ri.jɪl] (joɹk', donsɛjɾi) n breast milk
josk'ihəb' [jos.'k'i.həb'] v to hypothesize
josk'ihɔp' [jos.'k'i.hɔp'] n temporal hypothesis
josk'ihob [jos.'k'i.hob] n temporal theory
josk'ihoni [jos.'k'] adj theoretical
jor [jor] quant comparative marker (tangible)
jorɪv ['jor.ɪv] adj more
jozlɛn ['joz.lɛn] interj response to a sneeze (formal or informal)
joznin [joz.'nin] v 1to find (figurative) 2to discover (figurative)
jowɛç ['jo.wɛç] interj Stop!
judin ['ju.din] n theater arts
jukəl [ju.'kəl] n thyme (herb)
jɛlza [jɛl.'za] v to mean, have importance to (Ev)
jɛljow [jɛl.'jow] v 1to find (literal) 2to look for (literal)
jɛrɑhɪ [jɛ.'rɑ.hɪ] n curtain
-jil turns noun into adjective
jivəni [ji.'və.ni] n hill irɛvəni , krivəni
jimɛṱɐn ['ji.mɛ.ṱɐn] v to touch (telepathically)
jirɪ ['ji.rɪ] n second, unit of time (varies depending on location)
ıθɑnɪ [ı.'θɑ.nɪ] n substitute term for a high ruler not of Gallifrey (king, emperor, etc.)
ıf [ıf] pro they (inan., dual)
ıfu ['ıf.u] pro one (indefinite personal)
ılajidəb [ı.'la.ji.dəb] v to celebrate
ıləjidə [ı.'lə.ji.də] n celebration
ılirij [ı.'li.rij] n sibling (generic)
ılirija [ı.'li.ri.ja] n sibling (third gender)
ılirijə [ı.'li.ri.jə] n brother
ılirijo [ı.'] n sister
ıposɑr ['ı.po.sɑr] v to reply, answer (a question)
ım [ım] pro I
ımɹijıl [ım.'ɹi.jıl] prep beyond
ımnjow ['ım.njow] v to punish, penalize
ıb'a ['ı.b'a] n basil (herb)
ıʃ [ıʃ] pro we (dual)
ıtob' [ı.'tob'] n skin (anat.)
ıtokərihiz [ı.to.'kə.ri.hiz] n integumentary system
ınjoɹna [ın.'joɹ.na] n punishment, penalty
ıraz [ı.'raz] prep after (a changeable event ["normal" after])
ıʒɛt ['ı.ʒɛt] n crafting arts
ıçtu ['ıç.tu] n symbol, logo
ıjlo ['ıj.lo] n minute, unit of time (varies depending on location)
ıjokoɹ [ı.jo.'koɹ] n jury
ıjunɐdʒo [ı.ju.'nɐ.dʒo] n house right (theater)
ıjuno [ı.'] n crowd
ıjunɛθɛ [ı.ju.'nɛ.θɛ] n house left (theater)
ık'l ['ı.k'l] n guy/gal (slang)
ıharjə [ı.'har.jə] n white point star
ıharjəjil [ı'har.jə.jil] adj white point star, made of
k'av [k'av] 1interrog who 2prt who
k'ɔd [k'ɔd] n lord, ruler (specific only to Time Lords)
k'oɹʒonpoɾ [k'oɹ.'ʒon.poɾ] adj useful
k'oçənɑ ['k'o.çə.nɑ] n crime
k'oçɛrwi [k'o.'çɛr.wi] n criminal vɛrkoçɛrwi
k'ok'ɐl ['k'o.k'ɐl] v to submit, acquiesce
k'uma ['k'] n sword (combat)
k'umaʃɔk' ['k'ʃɔk'] n short sword, dagger
k'uhɑɹ ['k'u.hɑɹ] adj asleep
k'ṱɪzɪl [k'.ṱɪ.'zɪl] n date (mm/dd/yyyy)
k'ip'uma [k'i.'p'] adj synchronized, synchronous
k'isçɑf ['k'i.sçɑf] n time scaph
k'iwɪskə ['k'i.wɪs.kə] n study session
k'ɪmɐl ['k'ɪ.mɐl] n scales (of a reptile)
k’avli ['k’] pro someone
k’oɹ(ɾ)- un-, dis- (adj only)
k’up’ [k’up’] n pants, trousers
k’ip’ə ['k’i.p’ə] n time
k’ip’əwi ['k’i.p’ə.wi] interj "timey" term for a Time Lord used by those in Low Town
k’ipṱwɑl ['k’ip.ṱwɑl] n sense of planetary time
k’ipṱwok' ['k’ip.ṱwok'] n sense of personal time, internal clock
k’ipṱwi ['k’ip.ṱwi] n sense of time (the awareness of time [general/context])
kalıt ['ka.lıt] n head (anat.)
kalɪtɛnɛt [ka.'lɪ.tɛ.nɛt] n friend love
kalɪtɛnɛtol [ka.lɪ.'tɛ.nɛ.tol] v to love as a friend
kahut [ka.'hut] n face (anat.)
kɐldɪ ['kɐl.dɪ] adj shallow (water level)
kɐlkɑ ['kɐl.kɑ] n water
kɐpt̪i ['kɐp.t̪i] n first day of Gallifreyan week (appx. Monday)
kɐmɪb' ['kɐ.mɪb'] v to change, alter (inconsequential)
kɐmɪnɑb ['kɐ.mɪ.nɑb] n change, alteration
kɑlop ['kɑl.op] n councillor
kɑto ['kɑ.to] v to put on, don, dress (clothing) (Ev)
kəθınəm [kə.'θı.nəm] adj rhyming
kəθınli [kə.'θı] n poetry
kəθınoʒin [kə.'θı.no.ʒin] n poet
kəri ['kə.ri] n hair
klɑs [klɑs] n song
klɑsoɹ [klɑ.'soɹ] n language
klɑsɛt ['klɑ.sɛt] n word
klɑsɛjç [klɑ.'sɛjç] n conlang
klɑsṱɐb ['klɑs.ṱɐb] n lyrics
klorinı [klo.'ri.nı] v to kill
kloɾi ['klo.ɾi] n kill
kolaɹ [ko.'laɹ] v to run
kop'oɹ [ko.'p'oɹ] n energy, stamina
kodəɹ ['ko.dəɹ] adj awake
koṱɛʃəb' ['ko.ṱɛ.ʃəb'] v to imagine
koṱɛs ['ko.ṱɛs] n imagination
koz(ʔ)- turns verb into noun (gerund)
kurɛs ['ku.rɛs] n life
kurɛsli [ku.'rɛ] adj alive
kursɛl ['kur.sɛl] v 1to live, be alive (Ev) 2to live, reside (Rv)
kukuʔ [ku.'kuʔ] prt which
kɛlgo ['kɛl.go] n courage
kɛʃɪɹ [kɛ.'ʃɪɹ] n news, something to report
kɛʃɪrol ['kɛʃ.ɪ.rol] v to report
kɛsɪl ['kɛs.ɪl] n alcohol (chem. C2-H5-OH)
kipən ['ki.pən] adj temporal
kril [kril] n snow krivəni , kriṱɐʃ
krivəni [kri.'və.ni] (kril, jivəni) n snowbank, snowdrift
kriṱɐʃ ['kri.ṱɐʃ] (kril, ṱɐrɪʃ) n blizzard
kʍɑli ['kʍɑ.li] n fur
kʍɔ- bio-
kʍɔpɪdro ['kʍɔ.pɪ] n biography
kʍɔpɪdrozəɹ [kʍɔ.pɪ.'dro.zəɹ] n autobiography
kʍɔtɹɛvɑ [kʍɔ.'tɹɛ.vɑ] n bioluminescence
kʍɔsruwa [kʍɔ.'sru.wa] n biology
kʍɔsruwaʃɔk' [kʍɔ.'sru.wa.ʃɔk'] n microbiology
kʍɔsruwaʃɔkwi [kʍɔ.'sru.wa.ʃɔk.wi] n microbiologist
kʍɔsruwani [kʍɔ.sru.'] adj biological
kʍɔsruwawi [kʍɔ.sru.'wa.wi] n biologist
kwop' [kwop'] v to skew, distort
kɪmus ['kɪ.mus] n gun, firearm
kɪbɪṱ ['kɪ.bɪṱ] n banana
kɪt [kɪt] adv now
kɪklo ['kɪk.lo] n galaxy
ʔɑmi ['ʔɑ.mi] n substitute term for a lesser ruler not of Gallifrey (nobleman, governor, etc.)
ʔlta ['ʔl.ta] n corner (outside)
ʔltɪɹ [ʔl.'tɪɹ] n ammunition
ʔlk' [ʔlk'] n wind ʔlk'ʃɔk'
ʔlk'ʃɔk' ['ʔlk'.ʃɔk'] (ʔlk', -ʃɔk') n breeze, light wind
ʔow [ʔow] prep close to
ʔu [ʔu] prt than
ʔulɑri [ʔu.'lɑ.ri] n lace (decorative)
ʔumɑ ['ʔu.mɑ] n shawl, wrap
ʔuthɑz ['ʔut.hɑz] n bridegroom
ʔuhɑr ['ʔu.hɑr] v to sleep
ʔbul ['ʔ.bul ] n battle
ʔrʃṱɐ ['ʔrʃ.ṱɐ] adj awful, terrible
ʔʒil [ʔ.'ʒil] n bread
ʔʒilʃɔk' [ʔ.'ʒil.ʃɔk'] n breadstick
ʍajal ['ʍa.jal] n rule
ʍɑl [ʍɑl] n blood
ʍɑltɑl ['ʍɑl.tɑl] adj newblood
ʍɑlsoj ['ʍɑl.soj] adj oldblood
ʍɑlçɛ ['ʍɑl.çɛ] n ancestors
ʍɑpi ['ʍɑ.pi] adj cold (not hot)
ʍəmɔɹ ['ʍə.mɔɹ] n force (sci.; strength or power exerted on an object)
ʍɔm [ʍɔm] quant superlative marker (tangible)
ʍɔmɪʃ [ʍɔ.mɪʃ] adj most
ʍɔsək' ['ʍɔ.sək'] v to sail
ʍɔsəkwi [ʍɔ.'sə.kwi] n sailor
ʍɔk [ʍɔk] n body (anat.)
ʍɔkən ['ʍɔ.kən] v to watch
ʍoɹdit ['ʍoɹ.dit] 1n instrument (power) 2adj power (used with instruments and tools)
ʍoɹnə ['ʍoɹ.nə] n 1technology 2invention
ʍoɹnərok ['ʍoɹ.nə.rok] adj technological
ʍoɹɪp’ ['ʍo.ɹɪp’] adj orange (color)
ʍorɐ ['ʍo.rɐ] adj slow
ʍow [ʍow] interj vocative marker, Oh! (sadness, disappointment)
ʍuɹ [ʍuɹ] prep away (direction)
ʍɛjgɛpɪɹ ['ʍɛj.gɛ.pɪɹ] n house, bloodline
ʍirup’ ['ʍi.rup’] n hand (anat.)
ʍɪnta ['ʍɪn.ta] n set of teeth bɑ ʍɪnta
galonɑvɑl [ga.'lo.nɑ.vɑl] v to change gender during regeneration (Ev)
galim [ga.'lim] n gender
galimfon [ga.'lim.fon] 1adj agender, no gender 2n agenderness
galimə [ga.'li.mə] 1adj masculine 2n masculinity
galimu [ga.'] 1adj feminine 2n femininity
galimi [ga.'li.mi] 1adj third-gender 2n third-gender
galimçɛ [ga.'lim.çɛ] 1adj multigender 2n multigender person
garlɛjo [gar.'lɛ.jo] n 1appetizer 2side dish
garol [ga.'rol] n bridge
gɐdʒo [gɐ.'dʒo] adj right (direction)
gɑ [gɑ] n infinity
gɑlo ['gɑ.lo] n summons
gɑlifrɛjmi [gɑ.li.'frɛj.mi] adv "in Gallifreyan" "Gallifreyan-ly" (ie "speak Gallifreyan-ly")
gɑlwoɹ ['gɑl.woɹ] v to summon
gɑmto ['gɑ] v to meet (by chance)
gɑmɪtoj ['gɑ.mɪ.toj ] n meeting (chance)
gɑmɪtojwi [gɑ.mɪ.'toj.wi] n one who instigates a meeting (chance)
gɑjul [gɑ.'jul] n apple
gəmbi ['gə] n pocket
-gəb' turns adj/noun into a verb
gəndri ['gən.dri] adj fat
gərimɪn [gə.'ri.mɪn] v to expand, branch out
gəriʃəl ['gə.ri.ʃəl] n branch, section
gɔlnam ['gɔl.nam] n enemy
gɔstoɹ ['gɔs.toɹ] n promise, pledge
gɔstorəb' ['gɔəb'] v to promise, pledge (oneself)
gɔstɛp' ['gɔ.stɛp'] n promise
gɔstɛpəb' ['gɔs.tɛ.pəb'] v to swear, promise (something)
goli ['] n penis (anat.)
gormi ['gor.mi] interj Hello
goçəd ['go.çəd] v to intervene
goçɪ ['go.çɪ] n intervention
guɹ [guɹ] n a pair or set of dress shoes (pl. gurçɛ)
gutɛ ['gu.tɛ] conn so, therefore
gutɛjɑ [gu.'tɛ.jɑ] conn so that, in order to
guhar [gu.'har] n stomach
guwok [gu.'wok] n barrel (of a gun)
gɛluʃɛm ['gɛ.lu.ʃɛm] n change, small amount of money
gɛlɛrɑ [gɛ.'lɛ.rɑ] n home
gɛnjɑ ['gɛn.jɑ] v to apologize
gɛros ['gɛr.os] n energy (sci.)
gɛzərnɑ [gɛ.'zər.nɑ] n skeleton
gɛzərhiz ['gɛ.zər.hiz] n skeletal system
gɛzɛrɪ [gɛ.'zɛ.rɪ] n bone (anat.)
-gɛj- re-, again (Rv only)
gɛjgən ['gɛj.gən] adv again
gɛkɑ [gɛ.'kɑ] v 1to talk 2to speak
gɛkɑwi [gɛ.'kɑ.wi] n speaker
gɛkop ['gɛ.kop] n speech
gitɛjn [gi.'tɛjn] adj blue
ginɛj ['gi.nɛj] n Gallifreyan currency
gjəli ['gjə.li] n clothing (set of)
gɪfθub ['gɪf.θub] n riverbed
gɪfθɛl ['gɪf.θɛl] n river
gɪp' [gɪp'] n time, instance
gɪbɑ ['gɪ.bɑ] n agate
gɪklo ['gɪk.lo] adv finally, at last
haloç ['ha.loç] n chancellor
hatın [ha.'tın] n sky (within planetary atmosphere)
hɐʃuk'ɑt̪ ['hɐʃ.uk'.ɑt̪] n addiction (substance [drugs, alcohol, caffeine etc.])
hɐʃiʔ [hɐ.'ʃiʔ] n plant
hɐʃruwa [hɐ.'ʃru.wa] n botany
hɐʃruwaji [hɐ.'ʃru.wa.ji] n botanist
hɐsɪn [hɐ.'sɪn] adj polka-dotted
hɐrma ['hɐ] n grip
hɐrmol ['hɐr.mol] v to grip
hɑl- pre- (fixed)
hɑtɹɛv [hɑ.'tɹɛv] n lightning
hɑtiθ [hɑ.'tiθ] n basket
hɑrɑk ['hɑ.rɑk] n north
hɑroso [hɑ.'] n northwest
hɑruʃɔ [hɑ.'ru.ʃɔ] n northeast
hɑrim ['hɑ.rim] adj obsessed zəɹhɑrim
hɑrimow ['hɑ.ri.mow] v to obsess
hɑrnəpos ['hɑr.nə.pos] adj callipygian
hɑjul [hɑ.'jul] prep before (a fixed event)
hɑʔkɑ ['hɑʔ.kɑ] v 1to think, ponder 2to consider
həd [həd] adj copper (color)
hədɹi ['həd.ɹi] n copper (metal)
hədɹil [həd.'ɹil] adj copper, made of copper
hərjor ['hər.jor] n gorge
hɔw [hɔw] n willpower
hofna ['] n year (one full revolution of a planet, etc.)
hofza ['] n year (one calendar year)
hol [hol] interj vocative marker, O! (poetic)
hoʔoç [ho.'ʔoç] adj sarcastic
hoʔok' [ho.'ʔok'] n sarcasm
hogrɛnsi [ho.'grɛ ] v to air, expose
huð [huð] n dress shirt, blouse
hulip’ ['hu.lip’] interrog how much/how many (North)
huɹik’ [hu.'ɹik’] interrog how much/how many (South)
hɛθuɬ [hɛ.'θuɬ] n circle
hɛluʒ [hɛ.'luʒ] n oval
hɛlnɛ ['hɛl.nɛ] n barrel, container
hɛlsɪk' ['hɛl.sɪk'] n academy, university, school of higher or focused learning
hɛskoɹ ['hɛs.koɹ] v to listen
hɛswo ['hɛ.swo] n school, any institution of learning
hɛrbor [hɛr.'bor] adj narrow
hɛrɪ ['hɛ.rɪ] adj skinny
hiz [hiz] n system (of the body) b’akuhiz , suʍɑhiz fɑti
hrafop' ['hra.fop' ] v to move (from A to B)
hrapoɹ [hra.'poɹ] n movement
hɪj [hɪj] n infant (pl. hɪjuç)
walɪk ['wa.lɪk] adv always (referring to fixed points)
wadəb' ['wa.dəb'] v to guard, keep watch over
wadɛg ['wa.dɛg] n guard (single)
waʃɑtɛl ['wa.ʃɑ.tɛl] n keeper (gov't)
wɑ [wɑ] cardnum eleven
wɑʃɑl ['wɑ.ʃɑl] n breath
wɑsi ['wɑ.si] ordnum eleventh
-wəb' turns adj/noun into a verb
woma ['] v to think (about)
woṱkɪ ['woṱ.kɪ] n 1vagina (anat.) 2uterus (anat.)
wotɪm ['wo.tɪm] v to paint
wotɪn ['wo.tɪn] n paint
wotɪha [wo.tɪ.'ha] n painting
woʒ [woʒ] v to write
woʒ ʒuʃoɬɔm ['woʒ ʒu.'ʃo.ɬɔm] v to write down (to write to book)
woʒðɛm ['woʒ.ðɛm] n handwriting
wusra ['wus.ra] v to study (major in a subject)
wusrawi [wu.'sra.wi] n student (of a particular major/subject)
wɛlwɛ ['wɛl.wɛ] n fruit
-wi indicates one who does a thing (may take gendings)
witəb ['wi.təb] n chemistry, attraction
wijoç [wi.'joç] v to study (at a particular school)
wijohiwi ['hi.wi] n student (of a particular school)
wikɛʃɪɹ [wi.kɛ.'ʃɪɹ] n reporter
wıʃım [wı.'ʃım] n air (to breathe)
wɪska ['wɪs.ka] v to study (the act of studying)
wɪrsu ['wɪ] v to learn
wɪrsuwi [wɪr.'su.wi] n student (general)
Kɹismɑs nprop Christmas
Kɹismɑs məp’il interj Merry Christmas! (lit. Christmas beautiful)
Mɪmisɪs nprop Mimesis, a Gallifreyan art in which whatever is written comes true
Tardis nprop Tardis (Time and Relative Dimension in Space)